Fri, 14th Mar 2025
York Auction Centre had 525 head of stock forward including 165 Cattle, 221 Sheep and 139 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
53 Continental Young Bulls sold to 271p/kg from G J Taylor and to £1931.58 from R & G Newby; to average 235.88/kg.
17 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 245p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £1446.25 also from J Brewster; average 221.56/kg.
19 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 223p/kg from J Brewster and to £1446.25 also from J Brewster; to average 182.76p/kg.
12 Continental X Steers sold to 307p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and £2221.19 from Wilton Lodge Farms: to average 274.58/kg
67 Continental X Heifers sold to 311p/kg from J H Mewburn Ltd and to £1889.08 from D J & S A Beal: to average 271.43/kg
11 OTM sold to 190p/kg from J R Gowthorpe Ltd and to £1345.45 also from J R Gowthorpe Ltd
Young Bulls
271p/kg G J Taylor; 270p/kg, 292p/kg, 237p/kg J W & J Robinson; 268p/kg, 243p/kg R S Hall & Sons; 256p/kg, 242p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 256p/kg, 253p/kg R & G Newby; 250p/kg, 238p/kg, 237p/kg England Bros; 249p/kg, 247p/kg, 246p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 246p/kg, 241p/kg H Thompson & Son; 246p/kg F & R M Pickering; 241p/kg Robin Warkup Ltd; 241p/kg, 237p/kg G D Stephenson & sons Ltd; 240p/kg A P & R A Dunn; 236p/kg, 234p/kg, 231p/kg, 230p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 236p/kg, 235p/kg, 232p/kg, 231p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 232p/kg, 230p/kg W B Brewster; 230p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 230p/kg M & D Nicholson; 229p/kg A B Brown;
Native Breeds
245p/kg, 228p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 239p/kg, 233p/kg, 221p/kg Grants Pro Agri Ltd; 237p/kg A B Brown; 237p/kg G D Stephenson & Sons Ltd; 235p/kg, 183p/kg Messers Skelton; 235p/kg F & R M Pickering; 232p/kg W B Brewster; 224p/kg, 220p/kg M & D Nicholson; 221p/kg R Button & Son; 205p/kg N P Turnbull; 190p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 190p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby;
Black & Whites
223p/kg, 197p/kg, 167p/kg J Brewster; 213p/kg A P & R A Dunn; 206p/kg, 196p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 196p/kg, 182p/kg J B Jackson; 193p/kg, 191p/kg, 169p/kg, 150p/kg J G hunter & Son; 190p/kg A Skyes; 185p/kg N P Turnbull; 182p/kg, 180p/kg Robin Warkup Ltd; 147p/kg, 130p/kg H Brownbridge
306p/kg, 267p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 286p/kg, 274p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 285p/kg, 267p/kg J H Mewburn Ltd; 280p/kg G J Taylor; 274p/kg, 264p/kg Agri-Tec EDC Ltd; 271p/kg J Cawkwell; 268p/kg, 258p/kg H Crossley & Sons;
311p/kg, 307p/kg J H Mewburn Ltd; 311p/kg, 288p/kg, 284p/kg, 268p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 310p/kg, 307p/kg, 300p/kg, 299p/kg, 288p/kg P B Fox & Son; 310p/kg, 296p/kg, 285p/kg D J & S A Beal; 307p/kg, 302p/kg, 297p/kg R & G Newby; 300p/kg H Thompson & Son; 299p/kg, 288p/kg, 282p/kg, 277p/kg Ryton Beef; 298p/kg, 277p/kg Agri-Tec EDC Ltd; 291p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 290p/kg, 289p/kg, 286p/kg J Humphrey; 289p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 287p/kg, 279p/kg, 275p/kg, 267p/kg J H Illingworth; 284p/kg, 281p/kg, 280p/kg, 278p/kg, 273p/kg Maxwell Bros; 277p/kg J Cawkwell; 267p/kg J W & J Robinson;
190pkg J R Gowthorpe Ltd; 170p/kg, 120p/kg R Driver; 150p/kg, 140p/kg, 132p/kg, 127p/kg, 124p/kg, 122p/kg, 120p/kg, 112p/kg T H Hobson Ltd
177 Lambs sold to 307p/kg from M L Parvin and to £144 from D Hardcastle & Sons; to average 261.21/kg.
Light Lambs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 265.60/kg
Medium Lambs (45.6kg-52kg) – 266.45/kg
44 cull sheep sold to £112.
A much-improved number of lambs forward today with some real quality sorts on offer, only a handful just being a little short of finish. Trade dipped again as expected, with the SQQ being 265.72 and all in average 261. Top ppkg of the day was 307 for a pen of 3 lovely tight skinned texel x selling to Knavesmire butchers, and top gross price went to D Hardcastle and son realising £144 a head for a pen of 4 good heavy texels.
In the cull section ewes still looked a good trade on the week selling to highs of £112 a head, well fleshed sorts regularly over £100 and even plainer sorts being nowhere under £60.
More numbers required every week!
Please note- our first store and breeding sheep sale will be held on Thursday the 31st of august at 1pm. Please contact James or Stephen for all enquiries/ entries.
Lambs Per Kg
307p/kg, 274p/kg M L Parvin; 295p/kg, 293p/kg, 278p/kg, 275p/kg, 266p/kg Riseborough Farming; 282p/kg, 278p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 280p/kg, 277p/kg, 272p/kg, 270p/kg, 269p/kg, 257p/kg E Stonehouse & Son; 273p/kg, 269p/kg W J Howdle Farming; 270p/kg, 267p/kg, 263p/kg, 260p/kg, 258p/kg, 253p/kg J B Potter & Sons; 266p/kg, 261p/kg C T Arnott; 266p/kg, 264p/kg, 257p/kg, 256p/kg, 251p/kg A Gibson; 263p/kg, 259p/kg, 254p/kg B Pearson; 258p/kg, 255p/kg, 253p/kg, 252p/kg, 240p/kg R J Greenbank; 256p/kg, 250p/kg D Lambert; 130p/kg N Cosby;
Lambs Per Head
£144, £143 D Hardcastle & Sons; £133, £132, £130, £127, £117 E Stonehouse & Son; £132, £117, £114, £111, £107 R J Greenbank; £130, £117, £114, £110, £109 Riseborough Farming; £129, £115 M L Parvin; £127, £113 W J Howdle Farming; £126, £114, £108 B Pearson; £125, £120, £119, £117, £116 J B Potter & Sons; £117, £107 C T Arnott; £117, £112, £111, £105, £103 A Gibson; £115 D Lambert; £70 N Cosby
Cull sheep Per head
£108 J B Potter & sons; £100, £88 M R & C Bowes; £100, £60 M L Parvin; £90 W J Howdle Farming;
134 pigs sold to 217p/kg from J T Horsley and to £358.36 from A & S Livestock.
Gilts sold to 217p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 176.29/kg.
Baconers averaged 179.69p/kg
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Richard Tasker (Auctioneer) - 07801 685662
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902