Sat, 15th Mar 2025
York Auction Centre had 395 head of stock forward including 214 Cattle, 58 Sheep and 123 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
66 Continental Young Bulls sold to 340p/kg from A R Henley & Son and to £2445.66 from S Bristow; to average 293.62p/kg.
25 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 304p/kg from G J Taylor and to £2203.41 from A Nicholson; to average 269.26p/kg.
30 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 280p/kg from J R Gowthorpe LTD and to £1949.09 from G J Taylor: to average 244.30p/kg.
12 Continental X Steers sold to 345p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and £2301.26 also from Wagstaff Bros: to average 316.83p/kg.
3 Native Steers sold to 279p/kg from D L Lyle & Co and to £1765.69 also from D L Lyle & Co; to average 259.83p/kg.
1 Black & White Steer sold to 249p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £1322.02 also from Paddock Farm; to average 249p/kg.
44 Continental X Heifers sold to 358p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and to £2294.82 from Wilton Lodge Farms: to average 321.68p/kg.
6 Native Heifers sold to 301p/kg from R E Schofield and to £1857.09 also from R E Schofield: to average 266.67p/kg.
27 OTM’s sold to 271p/kg D J Duggleby and to £2008.17 from A Shipley & Sons; to average 197.07p/kg.
Young Bulls
340p/kg, 305p/kg A R Henley & Son; 335p/kg, 329p/kg, 326p/kg A Spence & Co; 330p/kg, 324p/kg S Bristow; 326p/kg, 312p/kg, 304p/kg, 304p/kg G J Taylor; 317p/kg, 295p/kg J W & J Robinson; 316p/kg J Bailey & Son; 313p/kg, 303p/kg J A & A E Sellers; 311p/kg H Thompson & Son; 308p/kg, 291p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 307p/kg, 302p/kg F & R M Pickering; 306p/kg, 305p/kg Robin Warkup LTD; 304p/kg, 294p/kg, 293p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 302p/kg, 298p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 300p/kg, 295p/kg G Stansfield; 297p/kg E C Wilkin; 297p/kg, 293p/kg, 289p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 297p/kg, 296p/kg, 296p/kg, 295p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 296p/kg R E Schofield; 294p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby.
Native Breeds
304p/kg G J Taylor; 304p/kg, 294p/kg, 284p/kg; 280p/kg, 280p/kg, 277p/kg A Nicholson; 295p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 291p/kg, 274p/kg, 271p/kg J Bailey & Son; 284p/kg Paddock Farm; 282p/kg F E Brown & Son; 280p/kg G Stansfield; 275p/kg N R Wild; 275p/kg, 274p/kg D L Lyle & Co; 274p/kg R A Suddaby; 271p/kg R P Rhodes; 238p/kg, 226p/kg, 225p/kg G W & M Singleton & Sons; 236p/kg N P Turnbull; 230p/kg J B Jackson; 220p/kg F E Brown & Son.
Black & Whites
280p/kg, 226p/kg J R Gowthorpe LTD; 273p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 267p/kg, 266p/kg M & D Nicholson; 264p/kg, 259p/kg, 259p/kg G J Taylor; 264p/kg, 261p/kg, 246p/kg F E Brown & Son; 261p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 260p/kg, 245p/kg A P & R A Dunn; 255p/kg, 208p/kg R A Suddaby; 247p/kg, 246p/kg, 236p/kg, 234p/kg, 223p/kg, 218p/kg, 215p/kg D A Jones; 246p/kg, 232p/kg A Sykes; 245p/kg, 231p/kg, 222p/kg J Brewster; 243p/kg J B Jackson; 212p/kg N P Turnbull.
345p/kg, 327p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 338p/kg, 319p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 335p/kg L Dale & Son; 334p/kg, 312p/kg, 307p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 315p/kg, 298p/kg, 298p/kg J F J M & T Stephenson; 280p/kg Paddock Farm.
Native Breeds
279p/kg, 253p/kg D L Lyle & Co; 249p/kg Emma Allen.
Black & Whites
249p/kg Paddock Farm
358p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 357p/kg, 343p/kg, 341p/kg S Bristow; 355p/kg, 344p/kg, 331p/kg, 331p/kg R Mccaie; 350p/kg, 346p/kg, 333p/kg, 328p/kg L Dale & Son; 348p/kg, 314p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 346p/kg, 328p/kg, 328p/kg, 313p/kg D J & S A Beal; 338p/kg, 338p/kg, 337p/kg, 337p/kg P B Fox & Son; 337p/kg, 334p/kg E D J & P Nesom; Wilton Lodge Farms; 331p/kg, 330p/kg, 299p/kg J W & J Robinson; 329p/kg, 325p/kg, 317p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 324p/kg, 313p/kg, 311p/kg, 298p/kg Paddock Farm; 322p/kg, 318p/kg, 300p/kg M Davison; 314p/kg, 273p/kg H Walker & Son; 303p/kg G Kay.
Native Breeds
301p/kg R E Schofield; 274p/kg, 267p/kg R A Walker; 268p/kg G Kay; 253p/kg, 240p/kg L A Clappison.
271p/kg, 265p/kg, 249p/kg D J Duggleby; 260p/kg, 220p/kg, 207p/kg E Blenkhorn & Son; 251p/kg, 219p/kg James W Wake; 239p/kg, 212p/kg A Shipley & Sons; 224p/kg M Allen; 224p/kg, 111p/kg J B Potter & Sons; 215p/kg M A Wright; 202p/kg R P Rhodes; 196p/kg K G Clarke; 185p/kg, 125p/kg, 120p/kg R Knott; 168p/kg, 158p/kg W F Kay & Son; 160p/kg, 126p/kg, 119p/kg, 112p/kg Leeds City Council; 151p/kg, 144p/kg D Mitchell.
Today was the first day we accepted a small number of bluetongue restriction zone lambs in the market, and although only a small number were penned- we ensured a good trade was had by all with buyers happy with the quality and vendors delighted with the trade! The SQQ sat at a fantastic 320.05ppkg, yes, you read that right! And all in averaged worked out at 299.89/kg. Andrew Dobson topped the day once again at £171/ head or 372ppkg for his super beltex x Charolais lambs. Other super lambs from The Barnes family sold to 344 & 365 pp/kg, and other nice lambs from R A Suddaby sold to 367ppkg! No discounted Restriction zone lambs here at York! Please contact James Kilner or Stephen Burley to book in, Thank you to all our regular buyers & butchers for the trade! In the Cull section mules sold to £110/ head and a pen of leaner Suffolks sold to £80/ head, all ewes to average £86.67/ head
Spring Lambs Per Head
£171, £165 R A Dobson; £158, £155 J B Potter & Sons; £148 D Barnes; £146 S Barnes; £140, £135 David Lambert; £135, £122, £110 S B Flint & Son; £134 R A Suddaby.
29 Cull Sheep sold to £110 from G Holtby & K Wylie.
Cull Sheep Per Head
£110, £80, £75, £70, £70 G Holtby & K Wylie; £110, £110 High Farm; £80 R A Dobson.
123 pigs sold including 104 clean pigs to 215p/kg from J T Horsley and to £237.60 from R W & G M Ellis: to average 175.43p/kg.
Gilts sold to 215p/kg from J T Horsley.
Baconers sold to 215p/kg from J T Horsley.
19 cull pigs sold to 110p/kg from J T Horsley.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902