Fri, 14th Mar 2025
York Auction Centre had 305 head of stock forward including 170 Cattle, 23 Sheep and 112 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
62 Continental Young Bulls sold to 329p/kg from P & I Beal and to £2783.13 from R B & R H Thornhill; to average 305.03p/kg.
11 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 295p/kg from F & D Roberts and to £1990.82 also from F & D Roberts; to average 279.68p/kg.
32 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 290p/kg from D A Jones and to £2519.91 from P & I Beal: to average 258.50p/kg.
14 Continental X Steers sold to 357p/kg from W Robshaw & Son and £2362.36 from P Gibson: to average 333.07p/kg.
2 Native Steers sold to 324p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £1986.29 also from Paddock Farm; to average 323.50p/kg.
1 Black and White Steer sold to 267p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £1375.14 also from Paddock Farm; to average 266.50p/kg.
37 Continental X Heifers sold to 379p/kg from L Dale & Son and to £2439.45 from H Crossley & Sons: to average 326.12p/kg.
1 Native Heifers sold to 308p/kg from G J Taylor and to £1685.10 also from G J Taylor: to average 307.50p/kg.
10 OTM’s sold to 241p/kg J H Mewburn LTD and to £1770.08 also from J H Mewburn LTD; to average 166.37p/kg.
Young Bulls
329p/kg, 328p/kg, 325p/kg, 317p/kg, 309p/kg, 304p/kg P & I Beal; 327p/kg, 312p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 325p/kg, 324p/kg, 324p/kg A Spence & Co; 324p/kg R Rose; 324p/kg, 315p/kg Wilson & Kellett; 322p/kg G H West & Sons; 321p/kg, 320p/kg, 320p/kg D G Johnson & Son; 320p/kg S A & G C Brown; 315p/kg, 309p/kg Paddock Farm; 313p/kg, 307p/kg F & R M Pickering; 313p/kg, 305p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 312p/kg, 305p/kg R B & R H Thornhill; 311p/kg J M Summerson; 311p/kg, 308p/kg, 304p/kg, 303p/kg, 302p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 309p/kg, 307p/kg D C Nesom & Son; 309p/kg, 306p/kg J Bailey & Son; 308p/kg J R Gowthorpe LTD; 305p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 302p/kg G J Taylor.
Native Breeds
295p/kg, 293p/kg F & D Roberts; 292p/kg, 290p/kg, 288p/kg G Stansfield; 286p/kg J Brester; 285p/kg J M Summerson; 276p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 264p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 263p/kg J B Jackson; 250p/kg D A Jones.
Black & Whites
290p/kg D A Jones; 279p/kg, 267p/kg, 253p/kg, 240p/kg, 219p/kg F E Brown & Son; 279p/kg, 276p/kg, 273p/kg, 267p/kg, 259p/kg G J Taylor; 279p/kg J Brewster; 278p/kg, 276p/kg, 268p/kg M & D Nicholson; 278p/kg, 258p/kg, 252p/kg Robin Warkup LTD; 275p/kg P & I Beal; 273p/kg, 268p/kg J Bailey & Son; 272p/kg, 239p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 270p/kg W & M Birkley & Sons; 257p/kg, 236p/kg J B Jackson; 255p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 239p/kg, 238p/kg, 237p/kg, 212p/kg N P Turnbull; 226p/kg J R Gowthorpe LTD.
357p/kg, 353p/kg, 351p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 354p/kg, 325p/kg P Gibson; 345p/kg R G Chapman; 332p/kg, 326p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 331p/kg, 329p/kg, 310p/kg Paddock Farm; 325p/kg J W & J Robinson; 317p/kg, 315p/kg N J Sellers.
Native Breeds
324p/kg, 324p/kg Paddock Farm.
Black & White Steers
267p/kg Paddock Farm.
379p/kg, 367p/kg, 358p/kg, 358p/kg, 343p/kg L Dale & Son; 371p/kg, 348p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 368p/kg, 338p/kg, 304p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 355p/kg, 354p/kg, 348p/kg R H Mason; 352p/kg, 348p/kg, 347p/kg R Mccaie; 347p/kg, 329p/kg G J Taylor; 340p/kg Robert Johnson; 339p/kg, 315p/kg, 310p/kg, 301p/kg M Davison; 329p/kg J M Summerson; 327p/kg, 312p/kg, 310p/kg R Clark; 326p/kg R G Chapman; 323p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 319p/kg N J Sellers; 314p/kg, 282p/kg J W & J Robinson; 311p/kg, 300p/kg J A & A E Sellers; 250p/kg, 243p/kg, 220p/kg C W White & Son.
Native Breeds
308p/kg G J Taylor.
241p/kg, 190p/kg, 160p/kg J H Mewburn LTD; 197p/kg Leeds City Council; 181p/kg, 130p/kg, 70p/kg T Bingham; 178p/kg Ashcourt Farms LTD; 140p/kg, 110p/kg H & B Beevers & Sons.
Just a small show of lambs forward today with the restriction zone causing issues and vendors just waiting a week, but all lambs forward were super quality and sold away to our local butchers and wholesalers, as many again could have been sold! Richard White topped both the gross price at £154/ head (314/kg) and the pp/kg at 323/kg or £152/ head, Charles Taylor wasn’t far behind at £145/ head for a pair of nice texels at 315/kg selling to Harry Bromwich Family butchers. Overall, the SQQ sat at 284.71/kg and the all in average sat at a superb 294.74/kg, a lift of 8p and 25ppkg respectively!! All lambs forward today to Av £135/ head.
Please book all prime lambs and ewes in with James Kilner or Stephen Burley for the time being to ensure we get the best trade for you!
23 Lambs sold to £154 from M J & J C White.
Lambs Per Head
£154, £152, £144, £135 M J & J C White; £145, £118 G J Taylor; £124, £110 J H Smedley & Sons.
112 pigs sold including 109 clean pigs to 187p/kg from J T Horsley and to £214.50 from R W & G M Ellis: to average 151.99p/kg.
Gilts sold to 187p/kg from J T Horsley.
Baconers sold to 187p/kg from J T Horsley.
3 cull pigs sold to 69p/kg from P M Allen.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902