Fat Stock Report

Fri, 14th Mar 2025



York Auction Centre had 414 head of stock forward including 217 Cattle, 115 Sheep and 82 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.



90 Continental Young Bulls sold to 390p/kg from D S Townend and to £3141.15 from R B & R H Thornhill; to average 337.41p/kg.


13 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 361p/kg from Skelton Hall Farm and to £2471.05 from F & R M Pickering; to average 311.81p/kg.


41 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 329p/kg from S G Wilkinson and to £2065.47 from K Houlston & Son; to average 249.57p/kg.


17 Continental X Steers sold to 395p/kg from W Robshaw & Son and £2741.15 from Wagstaff Bros: to average 367.68p/kg.


1 Native Steer sold to 306p/kg from Richard Tyson and to £1545.83 also from Richard Tyson: to average 305.50p/kg.


43 Continental X Heifers sold to 427p/kg from H Crossley & Sons and to £2526.81 from R H Dove: to average 370.55p/kg.


3 Native Heifers sold to 326p/kg from F & D Roberts and to £1912.35 from A C Gilpin: to average 308.83p/kg.


9 OTM sold to 214p/kg from W H Lockwood & Co and to £1379.56 also from W H Lockwood & Co; to average 159.48p/kg.


Young Bulls


390p/kg, 377p/kg D S Townend; 382p/kg, 372p/kg, 372p/kg, 357p/kg S Beachell & Son 378p/kg, 365p/kg, 364p/kg, 340p/kg Wilson & Kellett; 376p/kg, 368p/kg, 353p/kg, 340p/kg Paddock Farm; 369p/kg R B & R H Thornhill; 364p/kg, 362p/kg G J Taylor; 364p/kg, 341p/kg, K Houlston & Son; 358p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 353p/kg, 351p/kg A Pinkerton; 353p/kg F & A Town; 351p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 347p/kg, 345p/kg, 343p/kg J Greenheld & Son; 346p/kg R A Durdy; 341p/kg, 339p/kg G Haslehurst & Son; 340p/kg, 337p/kg G Stansfield; 340p/kg, 339p/kg, 337p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 339p/kg E C Wilkin; 339p/kg R F Corney & Son; 337p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 337p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby;337p/kg D & J Voakes.


Native Breeds



361p/kg Skelton Hall Farm; 339p/kg F & R M Pickering; 336p/kg, 314p/kg, 306p/kg, 300p/kg Banklink LTD; 320p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 317p/kg Paddock Farm; 312p/kg, 305p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 306p/kg J M Summerson; 295p/kg F E Brown & Son;249p/kg J W Wilson & Co.


Black & Whites


329p/kg S G Wilkinson; 314p/kg, 291p/kg, 281p/kg, 237p/kg, 200p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 294p/kg, 290p/kg M & D Nicholson; 285p/kg, 260p/kg K Houlston & Son; 270p/kg, 266p/kg, 261p/kg, 258p/kg, 251p/kg, 242p/kg, 236p/kg J M Summerson; 270p/kg, 248p/kg, 230p/kg, 220p/kg F E Brown & Son; 269p/kg, 260p/kg R F Corney & Son; 261p/kg, 240p/kg, 210p/kg R A Suddaby; 254p/kg, 250p/kg, 248p/kg J G Hunter & Son; 254p/kg, 250p/kg G J Taylor; 249p/kg, 235p/kg, 231p/kg, 220p/kg D A Jones; 245p/kg, 245p/kg J W Wilson & Co; 215p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 210p/kg, 200p/kg N P Turnbull.






395p/kg, 394p/kg, 390p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 387p/kg, 376p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 379p/kg, 369p/kg R Mccaie; 374p/kg P Gibson; 373p/kg, 337p/kg, 328p/kg Paddock Farm; 371p/kg, 370p/kg J & J Rycroft; 368p/kg, 350p/kg James W Wake; 354p/kg, 344p/kg N J Sellers.


Native Breeds

306p/kg Richard Tyson.





427p/kg, 386p/kg, 377p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 400p/kg, 389p/kg, 378p/kg S Bristow; 400p/kg, 371p/kg, 371p/kg, 369p/kg, 367p/kg, 367p/kg R H Dove; 396p/kg, 389p/kg, 384p/kg R Mccaie; 385p/kg, 374p/kg A R Henley & Son; 384p/kg, 381p/kg P Gibson; 382p/kg, 371p/kg, 370p/kg, 363p/kg N J Sellers; 381p/kg, 379p/kg, 363p/kg A C Gilpin; 379p/kg, 371p/kg, 368p/kg, 361p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 375p/kg, 368p/kg, 368p/kg, 351p/kg G J Taylor; 371p/kg, 361p/kg J & J Rycroft; 358p/kg, 356p/kg, 353p/kg M Davison; 347p/kg F & D Roberts.




Non continentals


326p/kg, 288p/kg F & D Roberts; 314p/kg A C Gilpin.




214p/kg, 190p/kg W H Lockwood & Co; 180p/kg, 180p/kg H W Colley & Son LTD; 174p/kg, 140p/kg, 130p/kg T H Hobson LTD; 130p/kg, 100p/kg M Willis.




A nice number forward today, and although trade was back a little on the week as expected after the Christmas rush, all hoggs looked well sold and buyers returned home happy. The top grossing hoggs were presented by C E & S J Mills, with a pen of nice skinned texels which sold to £174/ head to C K Retail. The Kendra family weren’t far behind with 2 pens at £172/ head and £171/ head for their heavy charollais crosses. Andrew Dobson once again topped the pp/kg at a super 363ppkg for a pair of nice beltex x. The SQQ sat at 325ppkg and the overall sat at 324ppkg. In the cull section, 32 head sold to £165/ head for a pen of nice texels from D Barnes, with a good average of £128/ head across the board! 


Well-fed hoggs required every week! Call James Kilner or Stephen Burley to book in! 



83 Hoggs sold to 363p/kg from R A Dobson and to £174 from C E & S J Mills; to average 324.24p/kg.


Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 319.04p/kg

Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 324.70p/kg


32 cull sheep sold to £165 from D Barnes.



Hoggs Per Kg


363p/kg, 362p/kg, 353p/kg, 343p/kg R A Dobson; 345p/kg, 333p/kg, 330p/kg, 327p/kg C E & S J Mills; 332p/kg, 330p/kg, 326p/kg, 325p/kg M Kendra & Sons; 323p/kg, 310p/kg, 300p/kg H Sergeant & Sons LTD; 317p/kg, 316p/kg, 315p/kg, 304p/kg B Pearson; 310p/kg, 306p/kg, 304p/kg R L Lock.


Hoggs Per Head


£174, £170, £165, £158 C E & S J Mills; £172, £171, £155, £150 M Kendra & Sons; £170, £159, £158, £138 R A Dobson; £168, £158, £148, £140 B Pearson; £159, £155, £152 R L Lock; £150, £135, £120 H Sergeant & Sons LTD.



Cull sheep Per head


£165, £108 D Barnes; £162 R A Dobson; £140, £130 M Kendra & Sons; £119, £118, £118, £110.




82 pigs sold including 70 clean pigs to 221p/kg from J T Horsley and to £248.23 also from J T Horsley.


Gilts sold to 221p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 184.46p/kg.


Baconer sold to 221p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 175.20p/kg.


12 Cull pigs sold 70p/kg from J T Horsley.    




Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902

Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660


Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902







