Fat Stock Report

Thu, 13th Mar 2025



York Auction Centre had 384 head of stock forward including 191 Cattle, 98 Sheep and 95 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.



66 Continental Young Bulls sold to 386p/kg from R B & R H Thornhill and to £3292.17 also from R B & R H Thornhill; to average 321.83p/kg.


12 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 326p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £2258.97 from H W Cowling & Son; to average 299.42p/kg.


17 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 291p/kg from D A Shirt & Sons and to £2155.51 also from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 268.09p/kg.


11 Continental X Steers sold to 396p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and £2570.75 also from Wagstaff Bros: to average 355.95p/kg.


6 Native Steers sold to 353p/kg from Paddock Farm and £2256.00 also from Paddock Farm: to average 309p/kg.


1 Non continental Steers sold to 292p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £1935.56 also from H W Cowling & Son: to average 291.50p/kg.


50 Continental X Heifers sold to 428p/kg from S Bristow and also to Wagstaff Bros and also to H Crossley & Sons and to £2850.12 from Wilton Lodge Farms: to average 356.90p/kg.


7 Non continental Heifers sold to 394p/kg from R Mccaie and to £2351.49 also from R Mccaie: to average 332.64p/kg.


14 OTM sold to 234p/kg from F E Brown & Son and to £1591.38 from J H Illingworth & Son; to average 202.73p/kg.



Monday market records were shattered once again today with 3 clean cattle selling to 428ppkg! All from local, regular mart supporters H Crossley & sons, Wagstaff Bros and S Bristow, Thank you all! 


100 Young bulls were up nearly 6 pence on the week overall, with Roger and Richard Thornhill topping the trade with their superb Limousin bull, at 386ppkg or £3292.17, beating last week’s top by 11ppkg!  Selling to Ralph Pearson wholesale butchers. Another 5 bulls sold from 360-370ppkg! 

Native bulls sold to 326ppkg or £2258.97 from H Cowling and son, and black and whites looked as well sold as ever topping at 291ppkg or £2155 from D. A Shirt with even plainer sorts regularly around the 250ppkg mark to average 268ppkg! Overall bulls were up over 5ppkg on the week and many more could have been sold! 


Clean cattle went up another gear yet again with 3 cattle selling to 428ppkg! And another 9 heifers 400 pence or better!! 


The top grossing clean beast was presented by Wilton lodge Farms realising £2850 for a super Lim x heifer weighing 696kgs. Cont x Steers topped at 396ppkg from Wagstaff Bros or £2570 to average 355.95 pp/kg. Continental x heifers looked an absolutely tremendous trade, being jointly topped at 428ppkg three times to average 356.9ppkg, even dairy x BRB x heifers sold between 360-380ppkg keeping well in line with deadweight! 


Native heifers sold to 394ppkg or £2351 from R Mccaie and native steers sold to 353 pp/kg from paddock farm or £2256, to average 309ppkg with even plainer end dairy x sorts nearing the 300p mark.  Over all- clean cattle averaged 352.40ppkg across the board, up by nearly 7ppkg on the week! 


Plenty more cattle can be sold every week! Call Edward Stephenson or James Kilner to see what YAC can do for you! 



Young Bulls

386p/kg, 370p/kg R B & R H Thornhill; 375p/kg, 367p/kg, 362p/kg, 330p/kg D G Johnson & Son; 365p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 363p/kg, 349p/kg Quarryside Farms Ltd;  357p/kg, 338p/kg, 329p/kg A Pinkerton; 355p/kg, 341p/kg, 326p/kg, 320p/kg J Bailey & Son; 349p/kg, 340p/kg, 326p/kg Wilson & Kellett; 341p/kg S G Wilkinson; 339p/kg, 330p/kg, 321p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 337p/kg R A Durdy; 336p/kg, 331p/kg Paddock Farm; 334p/kg G J Taylor; 331p/kg, 330p/kg N R Wild; 329p/kg, 323p/kg F & R M Pickering; 329p/kg F E Brown & Son; 329p/kg, 326p/kg G Stansfield; 326p/kg, 322p/kg, 321p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 324p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 324p/kg M & D Nicholson.


Native Breeds

326p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 315p/kg K Houlston & Son; 315p/kg W Kay; 314p/kg, 312p/kg, 312p/kg, 308p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 301p/kg G Stansfield; 300p/kg Paddock Farm; 291p/kg G J Taylor; 270p/kg R A Suddaby;’ 235p/kg Wilson & Kellett.


Black & Whites

291p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 288p/kg, 277p/kg, 267p/kg K Houlston & Sons; 285p/kg S G Wilkinson; 281p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 277p/kg, 276p/kg S P & S Boyes; 271p/kg, 259p/kg G J Taylor; 270p/kg M & D Nicholson; 266p/kg P H Waring & Son; 256p/kg, 255p/kg, 249p/kg F E Brown & Son; 251p/kg D A Jones; 247p/kg R A Suddaby.




396p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 396p/kg, 396p/kg, 388p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 359p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 354p/kg, 333p/kg M Nicholson; 351p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 344p/kg S Bristow; 305p/kg RDL Agri Services; 299p/kg H W Cowling & Son.


Native Breeds

353p/kg Paddock Farm; 326p/kg Banklink LTD; 296p/kg, 296p/kg, 294p/kg, 290p/kg D J Duggleby.


Non continental

292p/kg H W Cowling & Son.




428p/kg, 386p/kg S Bristow; 428p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 428p/kg, 420p/kg, 357p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 416p/kg, 410p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 410p/kg, 357p/kg Quarryside Farms Ltd; 409p/kg, 382p/kg R Mccaie; 402p/kg, 392p/kg, 381p/kg, 378p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 388p/kg, 373p/kg A R Henley & Son; 384p/kg, 373p/kg, 365p/kg, 365p/kg Paddock Farm; 380p/kg, 369p/kg, 360p/kg, 356p/kg M Davison; 373p/kg, 370p/kg, 369p/kg, 365p/kg, 362p/kg R H Dove; 368p/kg, 363p/kg R Clark; 364p/kg F E Brown & Son; 363p/kg M H & C Norman; 356p/kg, 354p/kg, 348p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 354p/kg M Nicholson; 334p/kg G J Taylor.



Non continentals

394p/kg, 381p/kg R Mccaie; 366p/kg M H & C Norman; 318p/kg, 290p/kg J W & J H Galtrey & Sons; 292p/kg F & D Roberts; 291p/kg Banklink LTD.




234p/kg, 219p/kg F E Brown & Son; 220p/kg, 208p/kg, 174p/kg R E Schofield; 220p/kg High Farm; 213p/kg, 211p/kg J H Illingworth & Son; 210p/kg N T & J H Barrett; 210p/kg C J Burkill & Son; 193p/kg, 184p/kg, 140p/kg Banklink LTD; 192p/kg R J Edmondson.



Sheep- 87 hoggs forward today and although the overall average was down as expected in line with last week’s trends, the best lambs remained the as strong as last week topping at 376ppkg or £169/ head for R A Dobsons pen of 3 super beltex x selling to CK Retail, and another 6 pens from Riseborough farming, M Kendra & sons and J W Wilson & co sold from 321ppkg-368ppkg! The SQQ sat at 315.98 pp/kg, and the overall average sat at 303.22, just brought down a touch by a number of heavy hoggs. 


In the cull section, a nice show of ewes sold to £172 for a heavy Charolais x ewe from J W Wilson & co, and Mules sold to £140/ head from the same home, all culls forward to average a respectable £142.30/ head. More hoggs and ewes required next week! 

87 Hoggs sold to 376p/kg from R A Dobson and to £169 also from R A Dobson; to average 303.22p/kg.


Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 313.76p/kg

Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 296.30p/kg


11 cull sheep sold to £172 from J W Wilson & Co.


Hoggs Per Kg

376p/kg, 368p/kg, 359p/kg R A Dobson; 333p/kg, 310p/kg, 309p/kg, 307p/kg Riseborough Farming; 329p/kg, 300p/kg, 293p/kg, 289p/kg, 251p/kg J W Wilson & Co; 321p/kg, 300p/kg, 296p/kg, 275p/kg, 270p/kg, 200p/kg M Kendra & Son; 318p/kg, 304p/kg, 295p/kg, 288p/kg C E & S J Mills; 307p/kg, 306p/kg, 304p/kg, 301p/kg B Pearson; 292p/kg, 286p/kg R L Lock.


Hoggs Per Head

£169, £158, £140 R A Dobson; £165, £146, £142, £135, £110, £80 M Kendra & Sons; £158, £138, £138, £130, £120 J W Wilson & Co; £152, £146 R L Lock; £144, £140, £140, £138 B Pearson; £140, £140, £140, £138 C E & S J Mills; £135, £133, £126, £124 Riseborough Farming.



Cull sheep Per head

£172, £168, £140 J W Wilson & Co; £140, £75 M Kendra & Sons; £82 B T White & Co.



95 pigs sold including 95 clean pigs to 200p/kg from J T Horsley and to £210.67 also from J T Horsley.


Gilts sold to 200p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 147.91p/kg.


Baconers sold to 200p/kg; to average 141.85p/kg.




Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902

Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660


Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902








