Fat Stock Report

Wed, 12th Mar 2025



York Auction Centre had 460 head of stock forward including 193 Cattle, 164 Sheep and 103 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.



60 Continental Young Bulls sold to 416p/kg from G & E Simpson and to £3326.33 also from F & A Town; to average 355.08p/kg.


12 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 348p/kg from A Sykes and to £2785.29 from F & R M Pickering; to average 328.33p/kg.


29 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 367p/kg from E D J & P Nesom and to £2541.35 from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 307.09p/kg.


19 Continental X Steers sold to 425p/kg from W Robshaw & Son and £2929.40 from R H Dove: to average 382.08p/kg.


2 Native Steers sold to 370p/kg from Paddock Farm and £2140.32 from W F Kay & Son: to average 309p/kg.


3 Non continental Steers sold to 317p/kg from C & K Holmes and to £2709.24 also from C & K Holmes: to average 307.83p/kg.


48 Continental X Heifers sold to 435p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and to £2772.20 from H Crossley & Sons: to average 388.79p/kg.


3 Native Breed Heifers sold to 373p/kg from Don Green LTD and to £2465.95 also from Don Green LTD; to average 368.17p/kg


1 Non continental Heifers sold to 365p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £2084.94 also from Paddock Farm: to average 364.50p/kg.


16 OTM sold to 305p/kg from J H Mewburn Ltd and to £2297.02 from K G Clarke; to average 258.41p/kg.



Just when you thought it impossible- Trade was up again on the week, with bulls topping at 416ppkg, steers at 425ppkg and heifers to 435ppkg!


101 bulls started the day with a nicely finished selection on offer, the trade was topped by G&E Simpson of Gillamoor with their super 754kg Limousin which sold to 416ppkg, grossing £3132, and another from the same home wasn’t far behind at £3138. Continental bulls were topped overall by a heavy Lim x from F & A Town of Cawthorne weighing 854kgs, selling to 390ppkg totalling £3,325!


Native bulls sold to 348ppkg for a very well fleshed AAX from Alan Sykes to average 328.332 pp/kg, and Black and whites sold to 367 pp/kg from Paul Nesom, to average a tremendous 307.09ppkg!


Clean cattle were once again a phenomenal trade, with 30% of cattle forward from 400ppkg or better! Wagstaff Bros took the top ppkg for a nice lim x heifer which sold to 435ppkg, and the top grossing heifer was presented by H Crossley totalling £2772.40! Steers sold to 425ppkg for a shapely BRBx from the Robshaw family and a heavy steer from Dove Farms took the top grossing price at £2929.40!  Overall, all steers forward averaged 367.43ppkg and heifers averaged 386.66- an increase of 7 and 8 pp/kg respectively on the week, all clean cattle forward to average 380ppkg!


A few more otms penned this week also sold very well, to 305ppkg for a young BRBx cow from J H Mewburn. The top grossing cow was presented by K G Clarke weighing 788kgs totalling £2,297, and black and whites sold to 247ppkg.


Young Bulls


416p/kg, 407p/kg G & E Simpson; 406p/kg, 396p/kg R E Schofield; 399p/kg, 378p/kg R & G Newby; 390p/kg F & A Town; 380p/kg, 360p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 376p/kg, 365p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 375p/kg, 358p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 374p/kg R Sellers; 372p/kg, 350p/kg, 347p/kg Paddock Farm; 370p/kg, 370p/kg, 345p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 369p/kg, 359p/kg, 351p/kg, 349p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 369p/kg K Houlston & Son; 368p/kg, 367p/kg, 359p/kg G Stansfield; 365p/kg W & M Birkley & Sons; 365p/kg F & R M Pickering; 364p/kg, 360p/kg A Spence & Co; 358p/kg W J Fox & Sons; 353p/kg, 349p/kg, 349p/kg J Bailey & Son; 349p/kg, 349p/kg J R Johnson & Son; 348p/kg N R Wild; 348p/kg M & D Nicholson.


Native Breeds


348p/kg, 339p/kg A Sykes; 341p/kg F & R M Pickering; 336p/kg, 331p/kg, 331p/kg, 323p/kg R F Corney & Son; 331p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 331p/kg W & M Birkley & Sons; 329p/kg, 303p/kg J W & J H Galtrey & Sons; 303p/kg F E Brown & Son.


Black & Whites


367p/kg, 367p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 343p/kg, 336p/kg, 300p/kg, 294p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 328p/kg J R Johnson & Son; 321p/kg Paddock Farm; 319p/kg A P & R A Dunn; 315p/kg, 309p/kg A R Henley & Son; 314p/kg, 295p/kg, 291p/kg H Nichols & Son; 309p/kg, 304p/kg, 294p/kg Robin Warkup LTD; 309p/kg, 307p/kg F E Brown & Son; 306p/kg, 300p/kg G J Taylor; 306p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 303p/kg, 301p/kg, 294p/kg, 273p/kg, 264p/kg D A Jones; 298p/kg M & D Nicholson; 263p/kg K Houlston & Son.




425p/kg, 422p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 406p/kg, 383p/kg, 378p/kg, 376p/kg, 375p/kg R H Dove; 402p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 401p/kg, 397p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 396p/kg, 388p/kg, 381p/kg J & J Rycroft; 380p/kg, 362p/kg M H & C Norman; 377p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 365p/kg, 365p/kg J E & H J Gilbertson; 290p/kg H W Cowling & Son.


Native Breeds

370p/kg Paddock Farm; 319p/kg W F Kay & Son.


Non continental


317p/kg C & K Holmes; 311p/kg, 297p/kg H W Cowling & Son.





435p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 428p/kg, 428p/kg, 418p/kg, 400p/kg, 392p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 425p/kg, 398p/kg, 371p/kg G J Taylor; 419p/kg, 366p/kg J F Bullen & Son; 419p/kg, 408p/kg, 406p/kg S Bristow; 418p/kg, 408p/kg, 392p/kg Quarryside Farm; 414p/kg, 409p/kg, 384p/kg, 380p/kg M Davison; 409p/kg J & J Rycroft; 407p/kg, 383p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 406p/kg, 402p/kg R Mccaie; 401p/kg, 398p/kg, 396p/kg Paddock Farm; 396p/kg, 390p/kg, 388p/kg, 381p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 393p/kg Davison Bros; 391p/kg, 386p/kg, 373p/kg F & D Roberts; 385p/kg James W Wake; 378p/kg C & K Holmes; 375p/kg M H & C Norman.



Native Breeds


373p/kg, 369p/kg Don Green LTD; 364p/kg G Kay.



Non continentals


365p/kg Paddock Farm.




305p/kg, 304p/kg, 261p/kg, 238p/kg J H Mewburn Ltd; 292p/kg K G Clarke; 286p/kg, 256p/kg, 246p/kg M Allen; 278p/kg G Kay; 274p/kg R W Rooke & Sons; 254p/kg, 251p/kg, 250p/kg H W Houseman & Partners; 247p/kg, 218p/kg W J Fox & Sons; 170p/kg J M Summerson.





Both numbers and trade up once again with 133 hoggs topping at 450ppkg from R A Dobson for a nice beltex x selling to Harry Bromwich Family butchers, the top grossing hoggs were also presented by the Dobson family selling to a fantastic £194/ head for a pair of nice 46kg texel x. Just a handful of pens a little short of finish today but overall, all hoggs sold away nicely to average 336.25ppkg overall and 334.36 SQQ, a lift of 5p overall on the week. Light hoggs sold to 329ppkg from W H Lockwood, Mediums sold to 450ppkg from R A Dobson and Heavies sold to 422ppkg also from R A Dobson.


In the cull section, ewes were brilliant to sell once again with W H Lockwood taking the top spot at £218/ head for a pen of well fleshed Charolais ewes, and mules sold to £152/ head from Jim Brown. All ewes forward to average £165.48/ head. Plenty more can be sold every week!



133 Hoggs sold to 450p/kg from R A Dobson and to £194 also from R A Dobson; to average 336.25p/kg.


Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 338.32p/kg.

Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 344.30p/kg.



31 cull sheep sold to £218 from W H Lockwood & Co.


Hoggs Per Kg


450p/kg, 422p/kg, 391p/kg R A Dobson; 380p/kg, 362p/kg, 349p/kg, 346p/kg Riseborough Farming; 373p/kg, 329p/kg, 327p/kg, 324p/kg, 306p/kg W H Lockwood & Co; 348p/kg, 336p/kg, 335p/kg, 332p/kg, 326p/kg M Kendra & Sons; 342p/kg, 339p/kg, 330p/kg, 314p/kg B Pearson; 337p/kg, 336p/kg, 334p/kg, 333p/kg, 332p/kg, 326p/kg, 318p/kg, 304p/kg Millington Pastures; 105p/kg, 80p/kg D Barnes.


Hoggs Per Head


£194, £180 R A Dobson; £178, £166, £152, £143 Riseborough Farming; £167, £148, £136, £134, £124 M Kendra & Sons; £155, £146, £126, £125, £110 W H Lockwood & Co; £152, £151, £146, £145 B Pearson; £148, £147, £146, £145, £140 Millington Pastures; £105, £80 D Barnes.


Cull sheep Per head


£218, £145, £142 W H Lockwood & Co; £167, £152, £138 Coney Green Farm.






103 pigs sold including 85 clean pigs to 228p/kg from J T Horsley and to £270.72 also from J T Horsley.


Gilts sold to 228p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 181.96p/kg.


Baconers sold to 228p/kg; to average 172.24p/kg.


18 Cull pigs sold to £225.40 from J T Horsley.




Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902

Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660


Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902



















