Fat Stock Report

Fri, 14th Mar 2025



York Auction Centre had 465 head of stock forward including 205 Cattle, 155 Sheep and 105 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.



61 Continental Young Bulls sold to 405p/kg from P & I Beal and to £3164.00 from P & I Beal; to average 343.04p/kg.


13 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 340p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £2446.21 from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 325.96p/kg.


18 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 320p/kg from J A Gibson & Sons and to £1961.31 also from J A Gibson & Sons; to average 271.39p/kg.


20 Continental X Steers sold to 419p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and £3127.08 from M D Medd: to average 380.65p/kg.


9 Native Steers sold to 335p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £2145.87 from D A Boyes; to average 312.61p/kg


4 Non continental Steers sold to 351p/kg from Quarryside Farms Ltd and to £2377.05 also from Quarryside Farms Ltd: to average 329.75p/kg.


58 Continental X Heifers sold to 432p/kg from L Dale & Son and to £2825.55 from R B & R H Thornhill: to average 388.43p/kg.


7 Native Heifers sold to 385p/kg from R W Rooke & Sons and to £2299.31 also from R W Rooke & Sons: to average 347.07p/kg.


1 Non continental Heifer sold to 358p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £2080.65 also from Paddock Farm: to average 357.50p/kg.


14 OTM sold to 290p/kg from M Allen and to £2255.89 from T Bingham; to average 234.49p/kg.


A few less bulls penned today, but more clean, with 92, and 100 head respectively. Trade remained very similar to last week, with bulls topping at 404ppkg for a nice Limousin from P & I Beal selling to Worsley wholesale butchers, the top grossing bull was also presented by the Beal family totalling £3,164, and two more bulls from the same home grossed over £3000! Dairy x continental bulls were as good to sell as ever with the best BRBx types regularly around 330-360ppkg!

Native x bulls sold to 340ppkg twice from H W Cowling with a nice aax,  and Black and whites sold to 320, J A Gibson for a super British Friesian x.


100 clean cattle sold to 431 pp/kg from L Dale & son for a well finished 600kg heifer selling to Worsley wholesale butchers, the top grossing heifer was presented by Roger & Rick Thornhill of Nafferton totalling £2825.55 for one of their consignments of pure lims, and steers sold to a fantastic £3,127.08 for a heavy BRBx from M D Medd, with every steer in their consignment well over £3000 or better! Natives sold well, with heifers to 385ppkg from R W Rooke and native steers sold to 335 from Paddock Farm, heavy black and white steers looked well sold at 316ppkg from G Kay. All clean cattle today averaged 374.21ppkg, heifers averaged 383.71ppkg, and steers averaged 357ppkg.


14 cast cattle sold to tops of 290ppkg or £2049, for a young lim x from M Allen, dairy cull cows from T H Hobson sold to £1916, and regularly around the 230-240ppkg mark and a lim stock bull from T Bingham of Newark sold to £2,255.


Young Bulls

405p/kg, 396p/kg, 391p/kg, 386p/kg, 384p/kg, 379p/kg P & I Beal; 384p/kg, 376p/kg, 360p/kg A V Etherington & Sons; 383p/kg, 349p/kg F & R M Pickering; 378p/kg, 377p/kg Quarryside Farms LTD; 361p/kg, 357p/kg, 350p/kg G Stansfield; 360p/kg R Sellers; 360p/kg, 350p/kg R A Durdy; 359p/kg, 357p/kg, 339p/kg R E Schofield; 356p/kg Skelton Hall Farm; 354p/kg, 350p/kg, 345p/kg, 336p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 350p/kg H Nichols & Son; 347p/kg, 339p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 346p/kg, 340p/kg J L Ritchie; 340p/kg J R Gowthorpe Ltd; 337p/kg A Sykes; 336p/kg, 332p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 335p/kg P H Waring & Son; 334p/kg G J Taylor; 334p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 332p/kg D A Shirt & Sons.


Native Breeds

340p/kg, 340p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 340p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 339p/kg H Nichols & Son; 339p/kg M & D Nicholson; 331p/kg, 322p/kg, 304p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 330p/kg J L Ritchie; 327p/kg, 309p/kg F E Brown & Son; 317p/kg, 306p/kg A Sykes.


Black & Whites

320p/kg, 306p/kg J A Gibson & Sons; 306p/kg, 287p/kg, 271p/kg F E Brown & Son; 294p/kg, 285p/kg J R Gowthorpe Ltd; 286p/kg, 279p/kg J Brewster; 280p/kg, 274p/kg, 272p/kg, 270p/kg, 264p/kg D A Jones; 260p/kg, 260p/kg G J Taylor; 220p/kg P H Waring & Son.




420p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 416p/kg, 390p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 407p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 406p/kg, 404p/kg, 362p/kg J H Mewburn Ltd; 395p/kg, 394p/kg, 380p/kg M D Medd; 388p/kg R H Dove; 385p/kg, 368p/kg, 355p/kg J & J Rycroft; 380p/kg, 373p/kg, 360p/kg N J Sellers; 370p/kg, 348p/kg, 323p/kg H W Cowling & Son.



335p/kg Paddock Farm; 324p/kg, 318p/kg, 317p/kg, 316p/kg, 313p/kg, 307p/kg, 298p/kg, 290p/kg D A Boyes.


Non continental

351p/kg, 345p/kg Quarryside Farm; 316p/kg, 309p/kg G Kay.




432p/kg, 431p/kg, 429p/kg, 412p/kg, 399p/kg L Dale & Son; 425p/kg, 409p/kg, 401p/kg R Mccaie; 419p/kg, 404p/kg, 388p/kg S Bristow; 418p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 415p/kg, 407p/kg, 380p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 410p/kg, 380p/kg R B & R H Thornhill; 410p/kg, 409p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 408p/kg, 395p/kg, 386p/kg, 380p/kg, 379p/kg Paddock Farm; 405p/kg, 401p/kg, 384p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 400p/kg, 385p/kg G J Taylor; 399p/kg M H & C Norman; 398p/kg, 395p/kg R H Dove; 394p/kg Skelton Hall Farm; 390p/kg R Clark; 384p/kg J & J Rycroft; 383p/kg Davison Bros; 382p/kg, 382p/kg, 380p/kg M Davison; 382p/kg Waudby Farms.




385p/kg, 330p/kg R W Rooke & Sons; 375p/kg R H Dove; 366p/kg J H Kennington; 336p/kg J L Ritchie; 330p/kg L Steele & Son; 311p/kg Olde Appleton Farms.


Non continental

358p/kg Paddock Farm.



290p/kg, 240p/kg M Allen; 264p/kg, 240p/kg, 214p/kg E Blenkhorn & Son; 241p/kg, 164p/kg T Bingham; 240p/kg, 240p/kg, 232p/kg, 220p/kg T H Hobson Ltd; 230p/kg R W Rooke & Sons; 230p/kg, 210p/kg W B & A Kilby & Son.




Trade lifted once again on the week by nearly 7p on the overall average to 340.81ppkg, and the SQQ lifted 4p to 340.23ppkg! 122 hoggs forward were good to sell, with R a Dobson topping the trade at 404ppkg or £190 for his 47kg tex x, selling to Harry Bromwich family butchers, and C S Mills weren’t far behind with two pens of heavy tex x selling to £185/ head and £180/ head. Weight remains very much in demand with the best sold hoggs sitting in the 45kg bracket, all hoggs today to average £154/ head. In the cull section, ewes remained good to sell with a near identical trade to last week, Will Beevers topped the trade at £220/ head for a pair of nice tex x and Brian Pearson followed up at £212/ head for a pen of tex x, mules sold to £150/ head, all culls forward to average £154.


122 Hoggs sold to 404p/kg from R A Dobson and to £190 also from R A Dobson; to average 340.81p/kg.


Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 340.31p/kg

Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 347.82p/kg


33 cull sheep sold to £220 from H & B Beevers & Sons.


Hoggs Per Kg

404p/kg, 393p/kg R A Dobson; 371p/kg, 353p/kg, 345p/kg, 338p/kg C & S Crossley; 352p/kg, 350/kg, 341p/kg, 338p/kg, 335p/kg H & B Beevers & Sons; 349p/kg, 341p/kg, 338p/kg, 329p/kg, 327p/kg, 326p/kg M Kendra & Sons; 349p/kg, 348p/kg R A Dobson; 346p/kg, 336p/kg B Pearson; 339p/kg, 336p/kg, 330p/kg, 327p/kg, 325p/kg C E & S J Mills; 333p/kg Millington Pastures.


Hoggs Per Head

£190, £169, £153, £150 £ R A Dobson; £185, £180, £178, £170, £168 C E & S J Mills; £178, £166, £162 C & S Crossley; £168, £140 Millington Pastures; £159, £154, £145, £144, £140, £138 M Kendra & Sons; £148, £140, £139, £138, £125 H & B Beevers & Sons; £148, £147 B Pearson.


Cull sheep Per head

£220 H & B Beevers & Sons; £212 B Pearson; £152, £150, £145, £126 Coney Green Farm; £148 J B Potter & Sons.



105 pigs sold including 101 clean pigs to 200p/kg from J T Horsley and to £230.64 also from J T Horsley.


Gilts sold to 200p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 157.33p/kg.


Baconers sold to 200p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 157.19p/kg.


4 Cull pigs sold to £89.79 from A & S Livestock.




Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902

Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660


Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902










