Wed, 12th Mar 2025
York Auction Centre had 409 head of stock forward including 151 Cattle, 144 Sheep and 114 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
58 Continental Young Bulls sold to 439p/kg from P & I Beal and to £38547.49 from R B & R H Thornhill; to average 380.38p/kg.
9 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 370p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £2667.49 from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 353.50p/kg.
8 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 383p/kg from F E Brown & Son and to £2672.43 from J Brewster; to average 333.50p/kg.
20 Continental X Steers sold to 428p/kg from Wilton Lodge Farms and £2966.85 from Wilton Lodge Farms: to average 401.45p/kg.
1 Native Steers sold to 389p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £2315.46 from Paddock Farm; to average 388.50p/kg
5 Non continental Steers sold to 350p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £1991.65 from G Kay: to average 314.70p/kg.
40 Continental X Heifers sold to 437p/kg from R Mccaie and to £2996.97 from Wagstaff Bros: to average 401.20p/kg.
1 Native Heifers sold to 384p/kg from R H Dove and to £2347.02 also from R H Dove: to average 383.50p/kg.
7 OTM sold to 305p/kg from J W & J H Galtrey & Sons and to £2186.31 also from J W & J H Galtrey & Sons; to average 246.74p/kg.
A light show across all sections today but trade lifted once again, young bulls lifted 48p overall on the week to average 374ppkg, steers lifted 26p to average 386ppkg and heifers lifted 16p to average a super 401ppkg!
75 bulls sold to 439ppkg from P& I Beal and to £3857 from R B & R H Thornhill, both lots being super quality heavy Limousins, 18% of all bulls penned sold from 4.00-439 pp/kg! Dairy x beef bulls sold regularly around the 3.80-3.90 mark, Native bulls sold to 370p/kg and black and whites sold to 383p/kg.
In the clean section, although light on numbers a staggering 52% sold from 4.00-4.36ppkg with Rob Mccaie taking the top/kg for heifers, and a tremendous Lim x steer from Wilton Lodge sold to 428ppkg coming to £2966.85, Mark Robshaw presented the top grossing steer with a fantastic Lim x which grossed £2971.50, and the top grossing heifer was shown by the Wagstaff family totalling £2996.97!
Well meated OTMs in demand, with the best sorts to 305ppkg or £2186 from J W & J H Galtrey, and a heavy cow from W B & A Kilby wasn’t far behind at £2165, leaner sorts a bit harder to place.
Young Bulls
439p/kg, 433p/kg, 429p/kg, 410p/kg, 410p/kg, 394p/kg, 382p/kg P & I Beal; 424p/kg, 412p/kg, 399p/kg A Spence & Co; 423p/kg, 410p/kg R B & R H Thornhill; 407p/kg, 392p/kg, 390p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 402p/kg, 382p/kg F & R M Pickering; 401p/kg, 401p/kg, 386p/kg England Bros; 400p/kg, 398p/kg, 396p/kg, 390p/kg, 386p/kg, 385p/kg Paddock Farm; 390p/kg, 380p/kg, 379p/kg G Stansfield; 384p/kg, 381p/kg, 375p/kg, 372p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 380p/kg, 378p/kg W & M Birkley & Sons; 380p/kg, 371p/kg J Bailey & Son; 374p/kg M & D Nicholson; 372p/kg, 370p/kg, 370p/kg Wagstaff Bros.
Native Breeds
370p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 360p/kg, 354p/kg, 343p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 359p/kg R A Suddaby; 355p/kg, 350p/kg F E Brown & Son; 352p/kg J Brewster; 343p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby.
Black & Whites
383p/kg, 316p/kg F E Brown & Son; 344p/kg J Brewster; 340p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 329p/kg, 324p/kg J W Wilson & Co; 322p/kg Paddock Farm; 314p/kg D A Shirt & Sons.
428p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 425p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 425p/kg R W Rooke & Sons; 424p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 419p/kg C Foster & Sons; 413p/kg J R Hildreth; 411p/kg, 407p/kg, 384p/kg J & J Rycroft; 410p/kg R Mccaie; 400p/kg, 394p/kg M H & C Norman; 394p/kg, 392p/kg N J Sellers; 389p/kg, 375p/kg R A Durdy; 384p/kg, 380p/kg, 360p/kg Paddock Farm.
389p/kg Paddock Farm.
Non continental
350p/kg, 337p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 327p/kg, 294p/kg, 268p/kg G Kay.
437p/kg, 409p/kg, 397p/kg R Mccaie; 429p/kg, 425p/kg S Bristow; 428p/kg, 422p/kg, 412p/kg, 379p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 426p/kg, 410p/kg, 388p/kg H Crossley & Son; 425p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 422p/kg, 419p/kg, 408p/kg R & G Newby; 419p/kg, 414p/kg, 396p/kg, 384p/kg, 376p/kg R H Dove; 419p/kg, 410p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 417p/kg, 410p/kg J R Hildreth; 412p/kg, 397p/kg, 396p/kg M Davison; 410p/kg, 408p/kg, 407p/kg R W Rooke & Sons; 403p/kg F & D Roberts; 403p/kg, 387p/kg H Walker & Son; 397p/kg J & J Rycroft; 392p/kg F & D Roberts; 391p/kg Davison Bros; 386p/kg M H & C Norman; 380p/kg N J Sellers; 367p/kg, 360p/kg L Steele & Son; 360p/kg H W Cowling.
384p/kg R H Dove.
305p/kg, 200p/kg J W & J H Galtrey & Sons; 276p/kg, 260p/kg C Foster & Sons; 262p/kg, 218p/kg W B & A Kilby & Son; 212p/kg N T & J H Barrett.
104 hoggs sold to 424ppkg for a pen of Tex x from G H West or £198/ head and another pen from the same home sold to £196/ head, the sqq jumped nearly 10ppkg on the week to 349.44 and the all in average sat at a respectable 347.58. Many more could have been sold! In the cull section H&B Beevers topped the day at £230 for a super beltex x ewe with other ewes from R A Dobson and B Pearson selling from £200-£215/ head and one texel tup from R Chapman sold to £188. All culls to average £151/ head
104 Hoggs sold to 424p/kg from G H West & Sons and to £198 also from G H West & Sons; to average 347.58p/kg.
Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 349.74p/kg
Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 351.80p/kg
38 cull sheep sold to £230 from H & B Beevers & Sons.
Hoggs Per Kg
424p/kg, 377p/kg, 363p/kg G H West & Sons; 420p/kg, 376p/kg, 375p/kg, 162p/kg R A Dobson; 365p/kg, 350p/kg H & B Beevers & Sons; 355p/kg, 350p/kg, 289p/kg C E & S J Mills; 346p/kg, 341p/kg, 334p/kg, 326p/kg Millington Pastures.
Hoggs Per Head
£198, £196, £174 G H West & Sons; £178, £144 K G Clarke; £176, £175, £174 C E & S J Mills; £173, £172, £162, £150 R A Dobson; £150, £147, £140, £135 Millington Pastures; £149 K G Clarke; £149 R G & M Chapman & Son; £149, £146, £144 B Pearson; £146, £140 H & B Beevers & Sons; 343p/kg, 342p/kg, 339p/kg, K G Clarke; 340p/kg, 339p/kg, 335p/kg B Pearson; 339p/kg R G & M Chapman & Son.
Cull sheep Per head
£230, £172 H & B Beevers & Sons; £215, £175 B Pearson; £188 R G & M Chapman & Son; £164, £151, £148, £144, £124 Coney Green Farm; £100 R A Dobson.
114 pigs sold including 103 clean pigs to 202p/kg from J T Horsley and to £231.82 from R W & G M Ellis.
Gilts sold to 202p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 173.64p/kg.
Baconers sold to 202p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 150.76p/kg.
11 Cull pigs sold to £125.16 from R W & G M Ellis.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902