Fat Stock Report

Thu, 13th Mar 2025



York Auction Centre had 592 head of stock forward including 154 Cattle, 314 Sheep and 124 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.



49 Continental Young Bulls sold to 449p/kg from P & I Beal and to £3990.07 from R B & R H Thornhill; to average 401.40p/kg.


16 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 395p/kg from Paddock Farm and to £2664.09 from S G Wilkinson; to average 365.81p/kg.


14 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 377p/kg from D A Shirt & Sons and to £2499.96 also from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 332.29p/kg.


19 Continental X Steers sold to 440p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and £3565.24 from M D Medd: to average 406.29p/kg.


8 Native Steers sold to 386p/kg from T H Kilby & Son and to £2667.24 from R H Dove; to average 356.25p/kg


40 Continental X Heifers sold to 450p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and to £3008.10 from L Dale & Son: to average 404.05p/kg.


3 Non-Continental Heifers sold to 377p/kg from G J Taylor and to £2334.30 also from G J Taylor: to average 362.17p/kg.


7 OTM sold to 348p/kg from D J Duggleby and to £2490.03 also from D J Duggleby; to average 313.33p/kg.


A bit better entry this week but as many cattle again could have been sold with fierce demand! 80 bulls sold to 449ppkg from P & I Beal, part of a super run of 7 suckler bred types, and Roger & Rick Thornhill of Nafferton topped the bulls over all at a fantastic £3,990 for their 958kgs Limousin! A further 22 bulls sold between 4.00-449pp/kg: that’s nearly 30% of all bulls forward! Native bulls sold to 395ppkg from Ryton beef to average 361.58ppkg and black and whites sold to a superb 377ppkg from D A Shirt to average 341.44ppkg!


71 clean cattle comprised 27 steers and 44 heifers, and although a mixed show of quality was forward, all grades looked well sold with steers averaging 393.61ppkg, the top steer was presented by Wagstaff Bros selling to 4.40ppkg for a nice black Limousin, and the top grossing steer was presented from MD Medd totalling £3,565! 44 heifers averaged a super 401.05ppkg topping at 4.50ppkg for a nice red Limousin from Wagstaff Bros, and the top grossing cont x heifer was presented from L Dale and son totalling £3008.10! Only a handful of native clean cattle forward but a well finished Welsh black from T H Kilby topped the trade at 386ppkg to average 356.25. 56% of all clean cattle sold from 4.00-4.50ppkg!


A handful of OTMS saw C Foster & sons sell cows to tops of £2154, or 330ppkg and a run of well-fed overage, belted Galloway’s from D J Duggleby sold to £2490 or 348ppkg!


Young Bulls


449p/kg, 444p/kg, 438p/kg, 437p/kg, 430p/kg, 420p/kg, 420p/kg P & I Beal; 447p/kg, 441p/kg,441p/kg, 440p/kg, 390p/kg Paddock Farm; 431p/kg, 429p/kg R E Schofield; 429p/kg, 417p/kg R B & R H Thornhill; 429p/kg, 424p/kg, 416p/kg A Spence & Co; 411p/kg, 391p/kg K Houlston & Son;410p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 406p/kg, 402p/kg G Kay; 400p/kg, 396p/kg G Stansfield; 392p/kg, 390p/kg F & R M Pickering; 390p/kg, 388p/kg, 387p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 390p/kg, 384p/kg E D J & P Nesom; 387p/kg, 380p/kg, 376p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 385p/kg, 385p/kg, 383p/kg, 381p/kg Wagstaff Bros.


Native Breeds


395p/kg, 394p/kg, 364p/kg Paddock Farm; 389p/kg, 385p/kg, 380p/kg S G Wilkinson; 379p/kg, 364p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 360p/kg M & D Nicholson; 354p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 351p/kg, 350p/kg, 344p/kg F & D Roberts; 351p/kg H W Cowling & Son;351p/kg Robin Warkup Ltd; 350p/kg G Stansfield.


Black & Whites


377p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 350p/kg, 346p/kg Robin Warkup Ltd; 346p/kg, 330p/kg G J Taylor; 346p/kg A Sykes; 342p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 337p/kg, 328p/kg, 308p/kg, 275p/kg D A Jones; 328p/kg, 328p/kg, 318p/kg H Nichols & Son.





440p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 425p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 418p/kg, 408p/kg JF JM & T Stephenson; 417p/kg, 410p/kg, 407p/kg M D Medd; 415p/kg R Mccaie; 414p/kg, 407p/kg, 404p/kg R H Dove; 414p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 414p/kg, 409p/kg G J Taylor; 395p/kg C Foster & Sons; 394p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 391p/kg, 367p/kg J & J Rycroft; 380p/kg J Brewster.




386p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 382p/kg Paddock Farm; 378p/kg, 359p/kg R H Dove; 370p/kg J Brewster; 349p/kg, 339p/kg Banklink Ltd; 291p/kg H W Cowling & Son.





450p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 436p/kg, 420p/kg, 413p/kg, 407p/kg, 392p/kg L Dale & Son; 430p/kg, 416p/kg, 408p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 425p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 424p/kg, 420p/kg, 399p/kg R Mccaie; 423p/kg, 417p/kg SA & GC Brown; 419p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 418p/kg, 399p/kg, 394p/kg, 392p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 416p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 415p/kg, 408p/kg, 400p/kg, 399p/kg, 384p/kg M Davison; 414p/kg, 408p/kg, 388p/kg, 380p/kg S J Marshall; 410p/kg, 405p/kg G J Taylor; 410p/kg J & J Rycroft; 408p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 406p/kg JF & JM Stephenson; 390p/kg I Mitchell; 379p/kg, 377p/kg, 369p/kg, 350p/kg, 348p/kg RDL Agri Services.




377p/kg G J Taylor; 362p/kg, 349p/kg Banklink Ltd.




348p/kg, 345p/kg, 337p/kg, 329p/kg D J Duggleby; 330p/kg, 296p/kg C Foster & Sons; 210p/kg H & B Beevers & Sons.





A much-improved number of 272 hoggs sold to 395ppkg from R A Dobson for a pen of 3 nice beltex x and F Marshall & son presented the top grossing hoggs selling to £198/ head and £196/ head for their heavy Charolais x. The averages were back a touch on the week in like with closing trade at other centres last week and a few under finished sorts just pulled the average back a little but overall, the sqq sat at 335.48 and the all in average sat at 329ppkg. 42 culls sold to £225 for a pen of texels and Ian Parvin sold a pair of nice little Charolais ewes at £192/ head, all culls to average £158



272 Hoggs sold to 395/kg from R A Dobson and to £198 from F Marshall & Son; to average 328.91p/kg.


Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 335.98p/kg

Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 323.73p/kg


42 cull sheep sold to £225 from Coney Green Farm.


Hoggs Per Kg


395p/kg, 389p/kg, 342p/kg R A Dobson; 367p/kg, 350p/kg, 345p/kg, 320p/kg G H West & Sons; 362p/kg, 354p/kg, 352p/kg, 337p/kg, 333p/kg, 314p/kg Riseborough Farming; 350p/kg, 342p/kg, 341p/kg, 340p/kg, 333p/kg, 326p/kg Millington Pastures; 346p/kg, 345p/kg, 299p/kg, 286p/kg B Pearson; 344p/kg, 327p/kg, 319p/kg M Kendra & Sons; 342p/kg, 341p/kg, 337p/kg, 319p/kg H & B Beevers & Sons; 342p/kg, 335p/kg, 334p/kg M L Parvin; 338p/kg B T White & Co; 337p/kg, 333p/kg, 330p/kg, 328p/kg, 326p/kg, 299p/kg W H Lockwood & Co; 330p/kg, 327p/kg, 313p/kg C & S Crossley; 324p/kg, 312p/kg, 300p/kg F Marshall & Son; 318p/kg, 313p/kg, 309p/kg, 307p/kg C E & S J Mills; 315p/kg, 311p/kg D I Gough & A J Whitehead; 306p/kg, 288p/kg D Corney; 294p/kg E W Hyslop.


Hoggs Per Head


£198, £196, £180 F Marshall & Son; £188, £170, £136 M Kendra & Sons; £179, £170, £148, £145, £143, £140 Riseborough Farming; £176, £175, £167 G H West & Sons; £175, £164, £158 R A Dobson; £174, £159, £152 M L Parvin; £164, £158, £156 C E & S J Mills; £160, £145, £140, £138 B Pearson; £150, £145, £140, £130 H & B Beevers & Sons; £150, £140, £136, £130 Millington Pastures; £150 E W Hyslop; £145, £140, £138, £132, £128, £100 W H Lockwood & Co; £145, £144 C & S Crossley; £140, £137 D I Gough & A J Whitehead; £128, £124 D Corney; £108 B T White & Co.



Cull sheep Per head


£225, £165, £160 Coney Green Farm; £192, £185, £165, £145 M L Parvin; £162 H & B Beevers & Sons, £160, £150, £138 W H Lockwood & Co; £158 G H West & Sons; £135 Millington Pastures; £118 Riseborough Farming; £105, £50 D Corney.





124 pigs sold including 104 clean pigs to 208p/kg from J T Horsley and to £231.40 from R W & G M Ellis.


Gilts sold to 205p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 172.73p/kg.


Baconers sold to 208p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 162.24p/kg.


20 Cull pigs sold to £174.58 from J T Horsley.




Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902

Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660


Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785

James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902












