Wed, 12th Mar 2025
York Auction Centre had 395 head of stock forward including 166 Cattle, 170 Sheep and 59 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
43 Continental Young Bulls sold to 429p/kg from England Bros and to £3625.26 from A Spence & Co; to average 386.50p/kg.
19 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 407p/kg from A V Etherington & Sons and to £2667.93 from W Kay; to average 363.18p/kg.
23 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 369p/kg from J A Gibson & Sons and to £2505.51 from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 336.59p/kg.
19 Continental X Steers sold to 440p/kg from W Robshaw & Son and £2862.83 from J F J M & T Stephenson: to average 395.08p/kg.
4 Native Steers sold to 380p/kg from M H & C Norman and to £2382.24 from G W & M Singleton & Sons; to average 361.25p/kg
1 Non continental steer sold to 314p/kg from J Brewster and to £2062.83 also from J Brewster; to average 313.50p/kg
45 Continental X Heifers sold to 431p/kg from T H Kilby & Son and to £3127.53 from H Crossley & Sons: to average 398.68p/kg.
10 Native Heifers sold to 405p/kg from James W Wake and to £2409.12 from M & D Nicholson: to average 369.70p/kg.
2 OTM sold to 230p/kg from G Kay and to £1757.97 also from G Kay; to average 191.53p/kg.
A few more cattle about this week which was good to see with new vendors and some we haven’t seen for a while trying the trade, but bulls still short!
85 Bulls topped at £3,625 for an 852kgs Charolais selling to Worsley wholesale butchers, Les England topped the pp/kg with cont x bulls at 428ppkg and another 5 bulls sold to over £3000, 2 of these being heavy BRBx x dairy bulls from Wagstaff bros selling to £3061 and 398ppkg!
Black and whites looked tremendously well sold with bull after bull over £2000, topping at 369ppkg for a super British Friesian from J A Gibson and D Shirt sold to top grossing black and white totalling £25051! More bulls needed next week!
A better entry of clean cattle saw 80 head sell to £3,127 for a well finished black Lim heifer from the Crossley family to J Penny & sons and the Robshaw family topped the pp/kg at 440ppkg with Lavarack’s butchers buying both their steers! 41% of all clean cattle forward sold from 400ppkg upwards, and while not many top end cattle forward, is has to be said that BRB x dairy heifers looked the trade of the day regularly selling either side of the 4.00 mark topping at 405pp/kg from Ryton Beef.
Young Bulls
429p/kg, 429p/kg, 428p/kg England Bros; 426p/kg, 412p/kg, 373p/kg A Spence & Co; 418p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 418p/kg, 386p/kg R E Schofield; 410p/kg, 392p/kg, 389p/kg Quarryside Farms LTD; 406p/kg F & R M Pickering; 400p/kg R Sellers; 398p/kg, 391p/kg, 390p/kg, 386p/kg, 382p/kg, 374p/kg, 364p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 398p/kg, 381p/kg, 371p/kg Paddock Farm; 397p/kg G Kay; 396p/kg, 388p/kg, 388p/kg, 378p/kg G Baxter & Son; 392p/kg, 382p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 392p/kg, 386p/kg G Stansfield; 389p/kg M & D Nicholson; 387p/kg G J Taylor; 386p/kg W Kay; 362p/kg N P Turnbull; 352p/kg, 344p/kg R A Suddaby; 348p/kg J W Wilson & Co.
Native Breeds
407p/kg, 394p/kg A V Etherington& Sons; 394p/kg W Kay; 377p/kg, 368p/kg, 356p/kg F E Brown & Son; 376p/kg F & R M Pickering; 374p/kg Paddock Farm; 362p/kg, 360p/kg, 355p/kg, 354p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 359p/kg G Stansfield; 359p/kg, 354p/kg J W & J H Galtrey & Sons; 350p/kg H Nichols & Son; 349p/kg, 346p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 316p/kg D A Jones.
Black & Whites
369p/kg, 368p/kg J A Gibson & Sons; 365p/kg, 364p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 358p/kg, 357p/kg, 313p/kg A R Henley & Son; 348p/kg, 315p/kg F E Brown & Son; 345p/kg, 319p/kg, 295p/kg D A Jones; 345p/kg R A Walker; 342p/kg M & D Nicholson; 341p/kg H Nichols & Son; 340p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 339p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 338p/kg, 327p/kg N P Turnbull; 337p/kg, 284p/kg J W Wilson & Co; 324p/kg, 320p/kg G J Taylor.
440p/kg, 420p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 422p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 419p/kg, 406p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 410p/kg, 391p/kg Paddock Farm; 408p/kg D Ashton; 407p/kg Davison Bros; 406p/kg J F J M & T Stephenson; 395p/kg, 374p/kg James W Wake; 389p/kg, 382p/kg M Nicholson; 384p/kg M H & C Norman; 379p/kg, 360p/kg Richard Tyson; 376p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 348p/kg N J Sellers.
380p/kg M H & C Norman; 360p/kg J Brewster; 355p/kg, 352p/kg G W & M Singleton & Sons.
314p/kg J Brewster.
431p/kg, 420p/kg, 419p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 428p/kg Davison Bros; 424p/kg, 409p/kg Quarryside Farms LTD; 424p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 423p/kg, 416p/kg, 410p/kg R & G Newby; 422p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 420p/kg, 408p/kg, 394p/kg R Mccaie; 417p/kg, 410p/kg, 406p/kg J F J M & T Stephenson; 415p/kg James W Wake; 405p/kg Paddock Farm; 404p/kg, 403p/kg, 393p/kg R Clark; 404p/kg, 398p/kg Davison Bros; 403p/kg, 397p/kg D Ashton; 402p/kg, 400p/kg, 388p/kg M Davison; 398p/kg J F Bullen & Son; 396p/kg, 394p/kg N J Sellers; 394p/kg, 386p/kg, 378p/kg H Walker & Son; 388p/kg M H & C Norman; 386p/kg F & D Roberts; 384p/kg, 380p/kg W J Massey; 381p/kg J F Bullen & Son.
405p/kg James W Wake; 399p/kg, 393p/kg, 379p/kg, 372p/kg Paddock Farm; 359p/kg, 356p/kg M & D Nicholson; 355p/kg, 338p/kg R A Walker; 346p/kg F & D Roberts.
230p/kg G Kay; 150p/kg J M Thompson.
133 head forward, trade just eased on the week as expected with the end of last week’s trade, heavier hoggs harder to sell but hoggs from 39-45kgs looked respectable at 340ppkg average. All types found their value and vendors returned home happy! G H west topped the pp/kg today at 386/kg for a pen of nice texel crosses, and F Marshall & son once again topped the gross price at £193/ head for their well-fed sorts selling to Harry Bromwich Family butchers. In the cull section, only a handful forward but what a quality show! Colin Crossley nearly broke a smile as his pen of superb home bred texel ewes were knocked down at £210/ head and other good sorts sold to £182, and £170/ head from C & S Crossley and Ian Parvin. All culls to average £152/ head! Many more sheep could have been sold!
133 Hoggs sold to 386/kg from G H West & Sons and to £193 from F Marshall & Son; to average 329.93p/kg.
Light Hoggs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 340.69p/kg
Medium Hoggs (45.6kg-52kg) – 332.40p/kg
37 cull sheep sold to £210 from C & S Crossley.
Hoggs Per Kg
386p/kg G H West & Sons; 378p/kg, 354p/kg, 351p/kg, 312p/kg F Marshall & Son; 367p/kg R A Suddaby; 358p/kg, 333p/kg, 326p/kg, 322p/kg G H West & Sons; 357p/kg, 330p/kg, 327p/kg, 326p/kg, 319p/kg C E & S J Mills; 351p/kg, 338p/kg, 336p/kg, 335p/kg, 298p/kg H & B Beevers & Sons; 344p/kg D Corney; 341p/kg, 340p/kg, 314p/kg B Pearson; 340p/kg K G Clarke; 334p/kg, 306p/kg, 273p/kg, 270p/kg M L Parvin; 333p/kg, 313p/kg D Corney; 293p/kg, 275p/kg Wayne Greenwood.
Hoggs Per Head
£193, £186, £184 F Marshall & Son; £172, £168, £167, £165, £163 C E & S J Mills; £167, £164, £162, £156 M L Parvin; £166, £163, £161, £158, £150 G H West & Sons; £165 R A Suddaby; £160, £143, £140 B Pearson; £158, £156, £148, £142 H & B Beevers & Sons; £153 K G Clarke; £130, £124, £100 D Corney; £120, £110 Wayne Greenwood.
Cull sheep Per head
£210, £182, £154, £150 C & S Crossley; £170, £150 M L Parvin; £159, £150, £139, £138 Coney Green Farm; £158 J T Horsley; £120 B Pearson.
59 clean pigs sold to 201p/kg from J T Horsley and to £238.08 from R W & G M Ellis.
Gilts sold to 201p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 162.40p/kg.
Baconers sold to 201p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 157.56p/kg.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902