Fri, 14th Mar 2025
York Auction Centre had 516 head of stock forward including 184 Cattle, 209 Sheep and 123 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
48 Continental Young Bulls sold to 313p/kg from Wagstaff Bros and to £2268.75 also from Wagstaff Bros; to average 273.60p/kg.
14 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 285p/kg from H W Cowling & Son and to £1883.26 from A Sykes; to average 249.71p/kg.
38 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 261p/kg from D A Shirt and to £2026.17 also from D A Shirt & Sons; to average 226.76p/kg.
24 Continental X Steers sold to 340p/kg from W Robshaw & Son and £2221.10 from Wagstaff Bros: to average 306.08p/kg.
43 Continental X Heifers sold to 349p/kg from L Dale & Son and to £2063.37 also from L Dale & Son: to average 299.94p/kg.
2 Non- Continental Heifers sold to 268p/kg from P Ownsworth Farms and to £1893.90 also from P Ownsworth Farms; to average 266.50p/kg.
10 OTM sold to 177p/kg from A S & L Leadbeater and to £1362.78 from D R & S Rivis; to average 146.40p/kg.
Young Bulls
313p/kg, 276p/kg, 275p/kg, 272p/kg, 271p/kg, 270p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 308p/kg J R Johnson; 303p/kg, 293p/kg Paddock Farm; 300p/kg J W & J Robinson; 299p/kg, 296p/kg, 275p/kg J Bailey Son; 293p/kg, 292p/kg, 280p/kg A Pinkerton;289p/kg F & R M Pickering; 286p/kg, 273p/kg, 262p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 284p/kg, 280p/kg, 278p/kg W & M Birkley & Sons; 284p/kg G Kay; 281p/kg, 280p/kg, 278p/kg, 265p/kg G Baxter & Sons; 279p/kg J B Jackson; 277p/kg, 274p/kg, 264p/kg J Greenheld & Son; 276p/kg, 271p/kg, 270p/kg G Stansfield; 276p/kg J A Gibson & Sons; 269p/kg, 269p/kg P D & S E Johnson; 263p/kg D A Jones; 260p/kg D A Shirt.
Native Breeds
285p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 271p/kg F & R M Pickering; 263p/kg J A Gibson & Sons; 261p/kg J Bailey & Son; 261p/kg H Nichols & Son; 253p/kg, 247p/kg, 227p/kg A Sykes; 250p/kg, 233p/kg A Pinkerton; 242p/kg, 240p/kg D A Jones; 237p/kg, 233p/kg R A Suddaby.
Black & Whites
261p/kg, 259p/kg, 236p/kg, 215p/kg, 212p/kg D A Shirt & Sons; 256p/kg, 245p/kg, 236p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 253p/kg, 216p/kg A P & R A Dunn; 252p/kg, 235p/kg, 235p/kg, 203p/kg, 200p/kg F E Brown & Son; 249p/kg, 247p/kg, 244p/kg, 240p/kg R Button & Son; 245p/kg A R Henley & Son; 243p/kg J A Gibson & Sons;240p/kg H Nichols & Son; 239p/kg, 213p/kg M & D Nicholson; 229p/kg, 208p/kg, 207p/kg G J Taylor; 227p/kg R A Suddaby; 217p/kg, 215p/kg, 209p/kg N P Turnbull; 217p/kg, 210p/kg, 207p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 211p/kg R Addy; 210p/kg, 205p/kg, 190p/kg J Brewster.
340p/kg, 331p/kg, 330p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 334p/kg, 333p/kg, 330p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 330p/kg, 316p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 321p/kg G J Taylor; 315p/kg L Dale & Son; 314p/kg, 307p/kg, 289p/kg Paddock Farm; 300p/kg, 292p/kg, 291p/kg R Mccaie; 299p/kg, 286p/kg J Cawkwell; 295p/kg J E & H J Gilbertson; 290p/kg, 263p/kg A Pinkerton; 287p/kg, 284p/kg M H & C Norman; 281p/kg P Ownsworth Farms.
349p/kg, 346p/kg, 333p/kg, 328p/kg, 321p/kg, 316p/kg, 315p/kg, 313p/kg, 311p/kg L Dale & Son; 337p/kg, 331p/kg, 325p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 336p/kg, 316p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 331p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 329p/kg, 304p/kg J Cawkwell; 309p/kg, 302p/kg J E & H J Gilbertson; 308p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 302p/kg, 272p/kg, 270p/kg A Pinkerton; 300p/kg R Mccaie; 293p/kg, 285p/kg, 283p/kg Paddock Farm; 292p/kg, 291p/kg G J Taylor; 288p/kg, 288p/kg, 280p/kg, 279p/kg Davison Bros; 285p/kg R A Walker; 281p/kg, 270p/kg A S & L Leadbeater; 279p/kg, 273p/kg, 272p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 275p/kg M H & C Norman.
Non – Continentals
268p/kg P Ownsworth Farms; 266p/kg K P Allen.
177p/kg, 170p/kg A S & L Leadbeater; 170p/kg, 162p/kg, 140p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 150p/kg, 140p/kg F & D Roberts; 130p/kg D V Lee; 130p/kg James W Wake; 100p/kg S Tate.
Today at our Christmas show and sale we had some absolutely tremendous lambs forward both in the show classes and in the commercial pens with just shy of 130 lambs and 80 ewes forward. The sale was very well supported with vendors, buyers, and onlookers even with the difficulty of Stamford bridge being closed. All at YAC would like to thank the judge Mr Harry Bromwich and all the vendors and buyers today and for your support throughout the year, we couldn’t trade without you!
Show results.
Class 8- Best young producers
1st Sophie Gittus Banklink Ltd
Class 9- Best Butchers pen of lambs up to 42kg
1st R A Dobson
2nd Sophie Gittus- Banklink Ltd
Class 10- Best Butchers pen of lambs 42-48kg
1st R A Dobson
2nd Riseborough Farming
3rd Riseborough Farming
Class 11- Best Butchers pen of lambs over 48kg
1st R A Dobson
2nd W Jibson & son
3rd M Kendra & sons
Class 12- best butchers pen of ewes
1st Coney Green farm
2nd S Beachell
3rd S Beachell
Overall, Champion pen
R A Dobson
Reserve champion
R A Dobson
Top price of the day went to regular mart supporter Andrew Dobson for a pen of superb Beltex lambs selling to 486ppkg or £220/ head purchased by the judge Harry Bromwich Family butchers. Not far behind with the next highest gross price was also Andrew Dobson grossing £205/ head or 380ppkg selling to Knavesmire Butchers. Commercial lambs better to sell this week most pens above 250/kg to average 278/kg overall and 280/kg SQQ.
In the cull section a good number of ewes sold to £160 from Green Farm with their 1st place pen of texels with S Beachell not far behind at £142/ head. Mules sold to £80, all culls forward to average £85.74. Last Fat market of the year Monday the 18th and store lambs Thursday the 21st.
129 Lambs sold to 486p/kg from R A Dobson and to £220 also from R A Dobson; to average 278.13p/kg.
Light Lambs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 486p/kg
Medium Lambs (45.6kg-52kg) – 293p/kg
80 cull sheep sold to £159 from Green Farm.
Lambs Per Kg
486p/kg, 380p/kg, 366p/kg R A Dobson; 329p/kg, 276p/kg W Jibson & Son; 316p/kg, 293p/kg, 274p/kg S Beachell & Son; 307p/kg,305p/kg,295p/kg, 277p/kg, 274p/kg Riseborough Farming; 291p/kg M L Parvin; 287p/kg J B Potter & Sons; 278p/kg Coney Green Farm; 277p/kg S Barnes; 274p/kg Banklink LTD.
Lambs Per Head
£220, £205, £150 R A Dobson, £171, £147, £145, £133, £124 W Jibson & Son; £149, £143, £138, £135 M Kendra & Sons; £146, £139, £138, £135, £130 S Beachell & Son; £138, £132 J B Potter & Sons; £135, £128, £124, £120 Riseborough Farming; £125 Coney Green Farm; £120 S Barnes.
Cull sheep Per head
£159, £151, £106, £95, £83 Coney Green Farm; £142, £124 S Beachell & Son; £120 M Kendra & Sons; £90, £80, £76, £75, £74, £71, £68 N Allen; £82, £75 C E & S Mills.
Mark Horsley of Skirpenbeck once again proved a worthy winner of the Supreme Champion pen of pigs at the York Auction Centre Christmas Show and Sale.
With his son James, he showed a pair of Pietrain Cross pigs of exceptional quality which achieved the best in show and sold for a remarkable 390 pence per kilo or £323 per head.
Their six show pigs averaged 366 pence per kilo and where all purchased by Manifold Meats of Leek, Staffordshire.
Richard & Gill Ellis showed the champion bacon pigs which sold for 220 pence per kilo (£297 per head) and were purchased by Geoff Haslehurst of Barnsley.
123 pigs sold including 102 Clean pigs to 390p/kg from J T Horsley and to £342 also from J T Horsley.
Gilts sold to 390p/kg from J T Horsley; to average 207.91p/kg.
Baconers sold to 360p/kg; to average 198.89p/kg.
21 cull pigs sold to 119p/kg from A & S Livestock; to average 89.69p/kg.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902