Mon, 06th Jan 2025
York Auction Centre had 441 head of stock forward including 161 Cattle, 174 Sheep and 106 Pigs at their weekly sale of Prime stock.
55 Continental Young Bulls sold to 326p/kg from T H Kilby & Son and to £2398.11 H W Cowling & Son; to average 271.30/kg
11 Native Breed Young Bulls sold to 262p/kg from Ryton Beef and to £1744.20 from Agri-Tec EDC Ltd; average 246.77/kg
18 Black and White Young Bulls sold to 261p/kg from J Brewster and to £1781.64 from H W Colley & Son Ltd; to average 216.50/kg
19 Continental X Steers sold to 334p/kg from W Robshaw & Son and £2074.37 from W Robshaw & Son: to average 293.29/kg
51 Continental X Heifers sold to 329p/kg from G J Taylor and to £2102.59 from L Dale & Son: to average 291.52/kg
1 Non-Continental X Heifers sold to 237p/kg from M Davison and £1485.22 also from M Davison; to average 237p/kg
5 OTM sold to 175p/kg from D R & S Rivis and to £1688.22 from K Crouch; to average 153.38p/kg
Young Bulls
326p/kg, 320p/kg, 269p/kg T H Kilby & Son; 308p/kg, 280p/kg, 274p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 297p/kg, 279p/kg, 261p/kg D J & S A Beal; 294p/kg, 284p/kg, 278p/kg R & G Newby; 289p/kg, 274p/kg J D Lumley; 288p/kg J B Jackson; 288p/kg, 265p/kg, 265p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 286p/kg, 278p/kg A R Henley & Son; 285p/kg, 273p/kg, 270p/kg G J Taylor; 280p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 278p/kg, 277p/kg F & D Roberts; 278p/kg F & R M Pickering; 278p/kg D A Jones; 275p/kg, 273p/kg J A & A E Sellers; 275p/kg S J Marshall; 274p/kg, 265p/kg, 263p/kg, 265p/kg, 263p/kg, 260p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 272p/kg, 269p/kg S G Wilkinson; 270p/kg D C Nesom & Son; 267p/kg N R Wild;
Native Breeds
262p/kg Ryton Beef; 258p/kg A E Guymer & Sons; 257p/kg Agri-Tec ED Ltd; 252p/kg, 239p/kg Banklink Ltd; 250p/kg, 244p/kg, 236p/kg D A Jones; 245p/kg, 240p/kg, 237p/kg N P Turnbull
Black & Whites
261p/kg, 210p/kg J Brewster; 246p/kg D Hardcastle & Sons; 240p/kg A P & R A Dunn; 227p/kg, 224p/kg J B Jackson; 225p/kg, 209p/kg F E Brown & Son; 224p/kg, 221p/kg, 216p/kg H W Colley & Son ltd; 223p/kg, 215p/kg, 180p/kg Rob Brownbridge & C Kirkby; 222p/kg H W Cowling & Son; 221p/kg, 130p/kg M & D Nicholson; 212p/kg G J Taylor;
334p/kg, 329p/kg, 324p/kg, 320p/kg W Robshaw & Son; 305p/kg, 303p/kg, 291p/kg, 286p/kg, 2620p/kg J H Illingworth & Son; 298p/kg Ryton Beef; 294p/kg, 280p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 288p/kg J E & H J Gilbertson; 287p/kg L Dale & Son; 281p/kg Wagstaff bros; 280p/kg Agri-tec EDC Ltd; 279p/kg J F Bullen & Son; 275p/kg Gilson & Co; 266p/kg N J Sellers;
329p/kg, 307p/kg, 283p/kg G J Taylor; 326p/kg, 315p/kg, 303p/kg D R & S E Rivis; 325p/kg R H Mason; 324p/kg, 320p/kg, 317p/kg, 310p/kg, 307p/kg, 305p/kg, 298p/kg, 293p/kg L Dale & Son; 318p/kg, 296p/kg, 294p/kg, 290p/kg D J & S A Beal; 318p/kg Wagstaff Bros; 306p/kg, 302p/kg, 297p/kg R & G Newby; 300p/kg Gilson & Co; 305p/kg H Crossley & Sons; 302p/kg, 289p/kg H Walker & Son; 301p/kg Wilton Lodge Farms; 295p/kg J F Bullen & Son; 288p/kg, 279p/kg J H Illingworth & Son; 284p/kg, 282p/kg J E & H J Gilbertson; 281p/kg A V Etherington & Sons; 278p/kg, 277p/kg N J Sellers;
Non- Continental
237p/kg M Davison;
175p/kg D R & S Rivis; 170p/kg K & T Crouch; 166p/kg J D Lumley; 164p/kg G Stephenson;
90 Lambs sold to 281p/kg from S Barnes and to £152 from F Marshall & Son; to average 251.89/kg.
Light Lambs (39.1kg–45.5kg) – 254.43p/kg
Medium Lambs (45.6kg-52kg) – 242.23/kg
84 cull sheep sold to £103.
Lambs Per Kg
281p/kg, 267p/kg, 257p/kg, 256p/kg S Barnes; 278p/kg, 273p/kg R A Suddaby; 272p/kg, 262p/kg, 258p/kg, 251p/kg, 190p/kg Marshall & Son; 252p/kg, 248p/kg, 244p/kg, 241p/kg, 239p/kg Garrowby Estate Farms; 247p/kg H Dean; 244p/kg, 215p/kg, 208p/kg G R Dobson & Son; 243p/kg, 240p/kg M B Edwards; 240p/kg, 231p/kg, 225p/kg S M Waite; 225p/kg J W & R Mothersdale;
Lambs Per Head
£152, £151, £147, £80 F Marshall & Son; £120, £118 R A Suddaby; £116, £113, £111, £110, £105 Garrowby Estate Farms; £114, £108, 3105 S Barnes; £114, £108 M B Edwards; £110, £100, £88 G R Dobson & Son; £108, £90 S M Waite; £105 H Dean; £9 J W & R Mothersdale
Cull sheep Per head
£103, £82, £70 Garrowby Estate Farms; £85, £70, £26 H Dean; £82, £55, £40 S Barnes; £80, £40 G R Dobson & Son; £58, £48, £25 H & B Beevers & Sons
A similar number of lambs forward with farmers still busy with land work or a few vendors having dipped sheep, but trade help up for the most part with an SQQ average of 253.58, just ever so slightly up on the week, and all in average of 251. Top price of the day went to the Marshall family at £152 for some er heavy & well bred texel crosses and top ppkg of the day was 281p/kg from Stephen Barnes for some smart tight skinned little texels.
In the cull section 89 ewes sold to £103/head from texel type from Garrowby Estate Farms, ewes just a grade down regularly over £80. Mules sold to £70 also from Garrowby and just a few lean types penned from other homes looking better sold in our Thursday sales. Less demand for ewes the week but everything found its trade.
Next store and breeding sale 14/09/2023.
96 pigs sold to 209p/kg from J T Horsley and to £315 from Bradshaw Farmers 7 Pig Produce.
Gilts sold to 209/kg from J T Horsley; to average 183.58/kg.
Baconers averaged 188.13p/kg from J T Horsley;
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Richard Tasker (Auctioneer) - 07801 685662
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Fieldsman) – 07984 400902