Fri, 14th Mar 2025
THURSDAY 6th February 2025
York Auction Centre had 100 head of stock through the market including 1 breeding cow, 89 store cattle and 10 calves.
Calves sold to £815 for a Limousin X Bull Calf from E R Lazenby.
Breeding cattle sold to £1010 for a Hereford Cow from Leeds City Council.
Heifers sold to £1885 for a Limousin X from Penwood Farm LLP.
Steers sold to £1785 for a Hereford from F Sellars.
Another busy day at YAC with a good number of cattle forward and although not the best show of quality forward, a packed out ringside ensured a very fast trade for all!
10 calves and stirks started the day, with a run of fresh calves from regular vendors H L T E & O P Smith of Rotherham topping at £340 for a blonde x bull and heifers sold £335 for a lim x and £320 for an AAX. A mixed show of stirks looked tremendously well sold, with Eric Lazenby selling a 6-month-old lim x bull to £815, and a similar heifer to £795, and a very well reared 6-month-old BRBx heifer from K V Goldbourne flew away to £585, all calves and stirks snapped up by local farmer buyers! More entered for the coming weeks!
In the store ring, big cattle remained very much in demand but short in number, with mostly smaller cattle forward. Ted Hughes topped the trade at £1885/ head for a pair of strong lim x heifers with another from the same home selling to £1780, and J E Shepherd wasn’t far behind with a nice south Devon x at £1755. Frank Sellars topped the steer trade with a nice Hereford at £1785, and other big steers from Alwyn Frankish sold to £1695 and £1500 for his well presented Saler x. Smaller clean cattle still looked as well sold with a particularly nice run of lim x heifers from J & M Dean nearing the 400ppkg mark with two pen fulls selling to £1315/ head and £1290/ head, other good consignments of smaller natives sold to £920/ head from Banklink Ltd and £880/ head from J R Richardson. Bulls sold to £1785 for a strong BRB x from J & A Trenholme with another at £1700 and 4 more from the same home selling to £1660/ head and smaller dairy x bulls sold to £1000 from N P Turnbull.
Many more cattle can be sold every week! The spring pedigree sale will be held on Thursday the 3rd of April, contact Edward Stephenson or James Kilner for all Enquiries.
AA - £1605 J E Shepherd; £880, £815 J R Richardson; £790 Beckfield Farm; £790 H W Houseman & Partners.
BLND X - £1565 J O & R W Sturdy.
BRB - £1665, £1480, £1255 J A Bullock Farm; £1645, £1495 J O & R W Sturdy; £1550 F Sellars.
FKV - £1265 J E Shepherd.
HE - £840, £605 Banklink LTD.
LIM X - £1885, £1780, £1640 Penwood Farm; £1535 J O & R W Sturdy; £1315, £1290 J & M Dean & Son; £855 H W Houseman & Partners.
SA - £1545 F Frankish & Son.
SD - £1755 J E Shepherd.
SIM X - £1350 J E Shepherd.
AA - £1330 E Lazenby; £995 Richard Nicholson LTD; £885 Beckfield Farm.
BAZ - £900 W J Massey.
BSH- £885, £710 P & K M Mellor.
CONT - £745, £690, £440 P & K M Mellor.
HE - £1785 F Sellers; £920, £835 Banklink LTD.
HF - £1135 C & S Crossley.
LIM X - £970 A & R Todd.
MONT -£1135 C & S Crossley.
SA - £1695, £1500 F Frankish & Son.
AA - £905 F Atkinson & Sons.
BF - £630, £520 N P Turnbull.
BRB - £1785, £1700 J & A Trenholme.
BSH - £380, £100 Leeds City Council.
CHAR X - £1000, £660 N P Turnbull.
CONT - £265 Leeds City Council.
HE - £950, £895 F Atkinson & Sons; £740 N P Turnbull.
HF - £870, £730 A & A Wake.
LIM X - £1660 J & A Trenholme; £870 A & A Wake.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902