Store Stock

Wed, 12th Mar 2025



 THURSDAY 20th February 2025



York Auction Centre had 183 head of stock through the market including 1 breeding cow, 112 store cattle and 70 calves.




Calves sold to £800 for a British Blue Heifer Calf from Martin Greenbank.

Breeding cattle sold to £1400 for a Holstein Friesian Cow from Andrew Lumb.

Bulls sold to £1745 for a Limousin X from R Barnard.

Heifers sold to £2295 for a British Blue from S & K Asquith.

Steers sold to £2200 for a Charolais X from D J Slatcher.


The busiest week at YAC yet recently, with 183 store cattle, stirks and fresh calves penned!


70 calves and stirks kicked off the day with the busiest ringside and largest number forward we’ve seen for a while. Fresh calves sold to £465 three times jointly between R Plews and G&J Dean & Son for their 5 week old Lim x and AAX bull calves, and fresh heifer calves sold to £450 to a new Lincolnshire buyer also from G&J Dean & Son. Bull stirks sold to £735 from Ian Atkinson for a nicely presented Hereford and heifer stirks sold to £800/ head for a super packet of BRBx, part of a tremendous run of 13 stirks from Better Cattle Co.  All calves and stirks are firmly in demand and plenty more could be sold every week!


In the big ring, 113 head sold to tops of £2,295/ head for a pair of superb Lim x BRBx heifers from S & K Asquith, and Dennis Slatcher wasn’t far behind topping the steers at £2,200/ head for a pair of nice Simmental X’s. Plenty of short keep cattle sold regularly from £1800-£1945 from R A Simpson & S H Cheetham, other strong cattle from Brian Basham sold to £1775 for a nice pair of BRBx steers. Other good consignments from John Lambert sold to £1750/ head or 387ppkg! And J R Sturdy sold his usual well fed BRBx heifers to £1505/ head.


Smaller summering cattle sold to £1650, from W B & A Kilby, with two more at £1530/ head for his suckler bred Lims, and smaller shapely heifers sold to £1555/ head for a pair of tremendous BRBx heifers from A & E Hughes, other summering sorts sold to £1250/ head for a nice pen of 4 from C Ellwood & son.


A mixed show of bulls all looked very well sold with R Barnard topping the trade at £1745/ head for two lovely suckler bred Limousins, the Mitchell family sold a pen of 3 Limx to £1300/ head and Bruce Quarton sold his smart little BRBx bulls to £1000 or 333ppkg! Other dairy x bulls sold to £980/ head for char x and £530 head for British Friesian all from N P Turnbull.





AA - £830, £755 H Woodcock & Partners.

BF - £530 N P Turnbull.

CHAR X - £980 N P Turnbull.

LIM X - £1745 R Barnard; £1000, £930, £915 B Quarton.




AA - £1600 Brian Basham; £1585, £1120 F Sellars; £1580 L A Clappison; £1575, £1385 R Midgley; £1480, £1430 S & H Cheetham, R A & H E Simpson.

BRB - £1840, £1825, £1700 S & H Cheetham, R A & H E Simpson; £1645, £1485, £1315, £1050 Martin Greenbank; £1600 F Sellars; £1600 Brian Basham; £1555, £1485, £1430 A & E Hughes; £1505, £1400 J O & R W Sturdy; £1105, £1030 R Midgley; £990 H Humphrey.

BSH - £905 H Humphrey.

CHAR X - £1750, £1715 J F Lambert; £1020 R Midgley.

HE - £880 Melrose Farm.

HF - £1480, £1150 Melrose Farm.

LIM X - £2295 S & K Asquith; £1800 S & H Cheetham, R A & H E Simpson; £1555, £1045 W B & A Kilby & Son; £1250 C Ellwood & Sons;

MONT - £1040 R Plews.       



AA - £1850 S & H Cheetham, R A & H E Simpson; £1610 Brian Basham.

BF - £1170 C & S Crossley.

BRB - £1920 S & H Cheetham, R A & H E Simpson; £1775 Brian Basham; £1630 Richard Tyson.

BSH- £1945 S & H Cheetham, R A & H E Simpson.

CHAR X - £2200 D J Slatcher.

HIGH - £700, £590 Sutton & Son Livestock.

JER - £1170 C & S Crossley.

LIM X - £2070 L A Clappison; £1650, £1530 W B & A Kilby & Son; £1465, £1300 D Mitchell; £1415, £1230 C Ellwood & Sons.

SIM X - £1085, £960 Wills Farm.







Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663

James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785

James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902










