Wed, 12th Mar 2025
THURSDAY 6th March 2025
York Auction Centre had 79 head of stock through the market including 62 store cattle and 17 calves.
Calves sold to £1100 for a Beef Shorthorn Bull Calf from T W Bell.
Heifers sold to £2070 for a British Blue from F Sellars.
Steers sold to £1930 for a Limousin X from Brian Basham.
Bulls sold to £1600 for a Limousin X from J & A Trenholme.
A quieter day across the store market today with the good weather keeping a few Vendors busy back on with land work, but all buyers remained very much out in force and twice as many cattle could easily have been sold!
The calf ring saw an absolutely red hot trade, with fresh calves from A Burgess of Filey selling to £535 twice for their super month old Lim x bulls, with P J Waring of Cherry Burton not far behind at £520 for a stretchy Lim x bull, and black and white fresh calves from the same home sold to a fantastic £360! A mixed show of stirks sold to £1100/ head for a pair of well grown BSH Bulls from T Bell of Sinnington, and another roan BSH bull from P Houlston sold to £995, other smaller stirks from R & E B Drake sold to £880 for an AAX bull. Plenty of farmer buyers are here every week needing good quality calves and stirks!
In the Big ring, 62 store cattle sold to a fantastic £2070 for a heavy BRBx heifer from F Sellars of Pickering and Brian Basham of Mappleton topped the steers at £1930 for a super Lim x, and a suckler bred Lim x steer from Monument Farm, Welburn looked well sold at £1860. Strong bulls from J Trenholme sold to £1605, and £1600 twice! Quite a few smaller cattle penned today which sold very well, with John Lambert’s usual quality Charolais heifers selling to £1670 and a super run of Sussex x steers from Battlefield Stud sold to a fantastic £1260/ head, but it has to be said that the trade of the day undoubtedly was for a very well presented Limousin heifer from Granville Ellis selling to £1425 or 439ppkg! This was the only animal in the market today out of the bluetongue clean zone which was bought by a finisher also in the clean zone, who needed many more! So don’t be afraid to try your cattle here clean or restricted zone!
**Don’t forget our spring pedigree sale and first monthly dairy sale will be held on the 3rd of April, sold straight after the calves, we already have some good entries from renowned herds! **
Call Edward Stephenson or James Kilner (Dairy) for all enquiries!
AA - £1465 L A Clappison; £1465 F Sellars; £1420 Brian Basham; £995, £840 G Stephenson; £900 A & R Todd.
BLND X - £1235, £1200, £1090 N T & J H Barrett.
BRB - £2070 F Sellars; £1450, £1425 T W Thompson & Son.
CHAR X - £1670, £1660, £1610, £1510 J F Lambert.
HE - £900 A & R Todd.
LIM X - £1425 G Ellis; £825 E R Lazenby.
SALER - £955 S P Foreman.
SUSSEX X - £1230 Battlefield Stud.
AA - £1800 Brian Basham.
BRB - £1600 F Sellars.
HE - £1815 L A Clappison.
LIM X - £1930 Brian Basham; £1860, £1510, £1485, £1440 Monument Farm; £1605 J & A Trenholme.
SIM X - £1500 Brian Basham; £700 J H & J L & R Gore.
SUSSEX X - £1260, £1250 Battlefield Stud.
LIM X - £1600 J & A Trenholme.
Edward Stephenson (Auctioneer) - 07801 685663
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902
Rod Cordingley (Auctioneer) – 07801 685660
Stephen Burley (Auctioneer) - 07736 081785
James Kilner (Auctioneer & Fieldsman) – 07984 400902